*yawn* challenge 26, oookay, here we go……

Sep 21, 2009 13:21

Don your fast-typing fingers, gang, we're off to the drabble races! Keri said she was bored and needs to write something to kick-start her writing (huh!), and what's better than the OC-friendly, your-universe-here-friendly, crossover-friendly, sex-friendly, stick-friendly, self-indulgent TMX? I ASK YOU!


Challenge 26: Boredom

All the same everything applies - or, in our fabulous lackadaisical rules, doesn't apply. So use the word somehow, one way or another… choose a team… What else… Oh right, the standard "Make it somewhere around a hundred words but less than 1000 words." I think that covers everything? I don't know. It's been a while since I've done this.

Have a jolly good time!

edit: OK, I give up, why are all the entries I post here coming up as members only? I don't suppose anyone else is having this issue? I know, LJ is just out to make me look like a fool - again. Stupid thwarting syntaxes.

~challenge begins, the mod speaks

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