Title: Kink
amediaTeam: Longcoats
Word Count: 200 (a double-drabble)
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Cain/Glitch
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Imagiquest. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Challenge: 21, "Don't freak out."
Kink )
Comments 13
Fun fact: the porn!stick is now the "Bitch, you better behave"!stick
The brother came up with that one last night, on a TOTALLY different subject.
Otherwise? Hee!
heh heh heh
If it helps any, I was imagining Raynz as married, but NOT as having sex, and his wife buying the toys in a desperate attempt to get him interested ... better? *pets your poor brain*
Second - WHOOOOO KINKY CAIN AND UNDERSTANDING/SUPPORTIVE GLITCH!!! :D We all knew Cain started having those dirty, dirty thoughts the moment he saw Glitch in that Longcoat jacket...how well the black leather and silver attachments complimented Glitch's pale skin and shiny zipper...mmm....
ANYWAY! YES! All of that - especially the part when Glitch started sliding the strips from the flail along Cain's shoulder. *purrs happily at this image*
So glad you liked that! Oh, and I like your history-of-the-attraction (fits your icon perfectly, too)!
especially the part when Glitch started sliding the strips from the flail along Cain's shoulder. *purrs happily at this image*
That was my favorite bit to write!
I don't think that I'll look at lavender suede quite the same way ever again (good thing my suede shirts are brown and red). =D
Aha! My work here is done!
:-) Thanks for the feedback!
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