Title: Kink
amediaTeam: Longcoats
Word Count: 200 (a double-drabble)
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Cain/Glitch
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Imagiquest. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Challenge: 21, "Don't freak out."
Exploring Ambrose's old lab, Cain and Glitch made an unexpected discovery.
"What in the name of the nine goddesses ...?" Cain held up a lavender suede flail with a price tag still attached.
Glitch was holding up a sealed package containing a set of velvet-lined handcuffs; his puzzled expression mirrored Cain's. "Don't freak out, Cain. Obviously I never used them." He knelt down to go through the trove they had found at the bottom of the supply cabinet, all brand new. "Wrist and ankle restraints. Cat-o-nine-tails. Ventilated paddle. Circular jumprope. Articulated stepladder?" Something in his memory clicked at the last item. "Raynz's wife. She needed a place to hide them until she could wrap them for his birthday. Then all hell broke loose."
Cain stood still, taking it all in, absently running the soft thin strips of the suede flail through his fingers. "Not yours, then?"
Glitch eyed him warily. "Relieved?"
There was a long pause. "Disappointed," Cain admitted.
Glitch smiled broadly. "I suppose they're mine now." He moved forward, tugging the flail from Cain's unresisting grip; throwing it lightly over Cain's shoulder, he pulled the soft strips slowly along the side of Cain's neck. "Or should I say ours?"