fic: home is where the prat is

Feb 28, 2009 22:42

title: Home Is Where The Prat Is
pairing: Arthur/Merlin
words: 3788
rating: R
note: Once upon a time overlady_hikki and I were having one of our usual epic conversations about Merlin, and I mentioned throne!sex, and Vee dared me to write some. So two months later I did, but I also wrote a load of other crap to go with it. So this fic is her fault, and she will ( Read more... )

merlin, arthur/merlin, fanfic

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Comments 76

LOL! torchwood_agent February 28 2009, 23:26:27 UTC
I can so imagine the looks on Arthurs and merlins faces when they catch eash others eye the next time Uther sits on that


Re: LOL! ohnvm March 1 2009, 10:28:34 UTC
hahahahahah ik,r?


Re: LOL! timetraveled March 1 2009, 12:10:51 UTC
HAHA, YES! Thanks for commenting =D


frostheavens February 28 2009, 23:28:36 UTC
That was brilliant : D Funny and IC all at the same time ♥


timetraveled March 1 2009, 12:11:20 UTC
Thanks very much ♥


(The comment has been removed)

timetraveled March 1 2009, 12:11:45 UTC
Hehe, that's great news!

Thank you!


duskwillow February 28 2009, 23:37:15 UTC
Ha ha ha, this was wonderful!

Arthur slides him a grin. ‘Then destiny is a filthy pervert.’


timetraveled March 1 2009, 12:12:32 UTC
Thank you very much! I, like destiny, am also a filthy pervert.


babydracky February 28 2009, 23:45:46 UTC
Oh my!
A really good one!


timetraveled March 1 2009, 12:13:03 UTC
Thanks a bunch!


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