Title: Flame and Iron
Fandom(s): Iron Man (movie) and Full Metal Alchemist
Pairing(s)(if any):Roy Mustang and Tony Stark
Warnings: Sexual acts between two men strongly implied, if this is not your cup of tea, don't read it.
Disclaimer: I don't own or claim to own either of the two fandoms that these characters come from. I make no money from this story. Any resemblances to persons either living or dead is not intended by the author. Any resemblances to actual circumstances are also not intended. This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Word Count: 113
Summary: Roy reflects on a night well spent and upon the links between iron and flame.
They both wore armor, only his companion’s was visible. Roy looked at the gloves on the bedside table. Like his companion, Roy was capable of causing great damage with his hands. His companion’s hands were also capable of causing great pleasure (something which Roy was looking forward to rediscovering).
“Roy?” his companion asked.
“Yes, Tony?” Roy replied, the name still unfamiliar to his tongue, but the man’s taste wasn’t.
“Try to fall asleep. I want you well rested for when I next ravage you,” the inventor half muttered. Roy half smiled and placed his head back on the pillow. In the corner of the room, an iron mask observed it all, quite passively.