All I Want is a Long Hot Shower

Apr 30, 2014 23:06

Title: All I Want is a Long Hot Shower
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness
Rating: NC-17
Words: 2149
Spoilers: S1E4
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for cotton_candy_bingo prompt "Clean"
Author's Note:This story was supposed to be clean and fluffy - but the muses ran away with me and insisted on the smut. Sorry ;-)
Author's Note 2: This was written as a sequel to my fic Heaven Sent but works as a standalone.

Other parts in this series: Heaven Scent, All I Want Is A Long Hot Shower, Have You Done This Before, Why Don't I Tell You?

Jack deposited the unconscious weevil from the fireman’s lift he carried it in to the hard bed in the cell. He stood up with a grunt and wiped his arm across his face. Ianto had followed him into the small room and was busy settling their new guest with fresh food and water for when it woke up. Jack took a moment to admire the view as Ianto bent to put the bowls on the floor and his trousers pulled tight across that gorgeous arse.
“I can feel your eyes on me,” Ianto said, straightening up. Jack could hear the teasing laughter in his voice.
“Sorry - couldn’t help it,” he said taking a couple of steps across the cell, stopping in front of the Welshman.

Jack was suddenly hesitant. He wanted to kiss Ianto, back him up against the glass wall and take him right there, but he didn’t want to push the younger man. Their kiss after catching the weevil had been fantastic, and had left them both hard and wanting more but duty called and they had to get the weevil back to the Hub. In the short journey back to base Jack had been all too aware of Ianto’s eyes on him, but every time he risked glancing away from the road Ianto would avert his gaze as if embarrassed at getting caught staring.

“You were watching me in the car…” Jack said, his eyes searching Ianto’s trying to read his reaction.
“It’s your damn pheromones,” Ianto whispered, lowering his eyes to Jack’s mouth only inches away.
Jack raised his hands to Ianto’s biceps, his thumbs rubbing circles on the solid muscles.
Ianto closed his eyes and moaned lightly as Jack closed the distance between them and covered Ianto’s lips with his own.

After far too brief a time, Jack forced himself, with difficulty, to pull away. He ran his hand through the Welshman’s hair. “God Ianto, I’ve missed this.” Then, quietly “I’ve missed you.”
“Yeah,” Ianto’s breathing was ragged.

“Ianto?” Jack asked, making sure the younger man looked him in the eyes, “Are you sure you want to do this? Because if you’re not, you’d better ask me to stop now.”
Ianto paused and swallowed hard.
Jack waited what seemed, in his heightened state of arousal, like forever for his answer.

“Well, to be honest, all I really want to do right now is go home and have a long hot shower.”

Jack’s face fell, and he dropped his hands as if he had been burnt, taking a small, quick step backwards. “I’m sorry Ianto, I didn’t mean…”
Jack was surprised when Ianto raised his hand and rested a finger lightly across Jack’s lips, “Shh it’s ok…”
Looking into Ianto’s eyes, Jack could see the warring emotions there as Ianto struggled briefly to come to a decision. “Why don’t you come with me?” Ianto asked.
Jack watched as Ianto bit his lip in that adorably cute way of his. Then Jack raised his eyes to once more meet Ianto’s and he could see in the crystal clear blue depths that the offer was genuine. The indecision he had seen moments before had been Ianto trying to decide if he dared to ask, not wondering if it was what he wanted. Jack kissed Ianto’s finger and his grin lit up the room.

“Is that a yes?” Ianto asked nervously, removing his finger so Jack could answer.
“It’s a yes.” Jack confirmed pulling the younger man to him in a hug, cupping the back of his head with his hand, stroking gently over the hair at the nape of his neck.

Ianto brought his arms up to circle the Captain’s waist bringing them closer together and resting his chin on Jack’s shoulder. Jack could feel Ianto’s growing hardness pressed against his own, but he forced himself to ignore it, instead concentrating on the fact that he was once again holding this gorgeous Welshman in his arms, that Ianto had let him get close enough to share this moment.
Finally, Jack kissed the side of Ianto’s neck almost chastely and pulled away, “Come on, let’s get out of here before Janet’s friend wakes up.”


Standing outside Ianto’s flat, Jack nibbled gently at Ianto’s neck as the Welshman fumbled with the keys in the lock. It was taking all of Jack’s self-control, but he determined to keep his touches light and telegraph his every move so that he wouldn’t startle the younger man. Jack was only too aware that this was the first time they had had any kind of intimacy, hell any contact at all, since Lisa. This was Ianto’s show. Jack would let him take the lead and they would go only as far and as fast as Ianto was comfortable with.

When Ianto got the key turned in the lock Jack stood back, allowing Ianto to open the door to the flat, before following him through. Once inside the flat Jack was surprised to find himself pushed back against the closed door, Ianto’s mouth pressed to his in something approximating desperation.

Jack kissed back hard, unable to stop the needy whimper escaping his throat as Ianto pushed a thigh between his Captain’s legs. ‘So much for taking it slow,’ Jack thought as Ianto pushed the braces off his shoulders and Jack undid the silken knot at Ianto’s neck. With their lips still locked together and fingers fumbling at shirt buttons, Jack started to walk Ianto backwards into the flat towards the bathroom. Breaking the kiss briefly, Jack tugged his t-shirt over his head, dropping it to the floor and adding it to the growing trail of discarded clothing.

Reaching the bathroom door Ianto leaned on the handle as Jack pushed him into it and they stumbled through, barely keeping their balance. Jack reached out to hold Ianto and stop him falling over, his arms circling the younger man’s waist as they just stopped and stared at each other.
Jack was of the opinion that he had never seen a more perfect sight than the one before him: Ianto’s eyes were lust blown, his lips kiss bruised, his nipples stood out proudly on his bare chest, the pale skin tinged a rosy pink with arousal. His belt buckle was undone, the ends hanging loose and framing a rather impressive and tempting bulge in his trousers.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself and regain at least a little control, Jack reached up and brushed a lock of hair off Ianto’s forehead, his perfectly styled hair having got adorably mussed somewhere between the door to the flat and the bathroom. Jack peppered soft kisses down the younger man’s face, ending with a gentle kiss to the lips before pulling away. “Are you sure about this?”

Ianto didn’t answer. He simply stepped out of Jack’s embrace and turned on the shower, stepping out of his own trousers and kicking off his shoes before turning back to look at his Captain, hands on hips, cock bobbing proudly against his stomach, a smile on his gorgeous lips and a twinkle in his eyes.
Never one to be reticent about getting naked, Jack followed suit and lost his own trousers in two seconds flat.

Jack grinned as he watched Ianto lower his gaze and rake it over his body, licking his lips as he feasted his eyes on the sight of the Captain standing to attention.
They just stood like that, looking at each other for a few moments until the first wisps of steam escaped from the shower stall and Ianto growled, his accent thick and heavy with desire, “Shower. Now.”

Ianto grabbed Jack’s arm and the two men stumbled into the shower stall, the hot water doing nothing to calm their ardour. Jack groaned as Ianto’s hands travelled all over his torso rubbing and kneading every inch of flesh as he greedily devoured the older man’s mouth. Jack gave as good as he got following Ianto’s lead and their tongues duelled as they fought for dominance.

Finally, Jack pulled back, fighting through the fog of lust in his brain. He had promised himself he would take this slowly.  He reached for the shower gel and washcloth, soaping it up and running it across Ianto’s shoulders.
“Jack! Please…..” Ianto grabbed Jack’s buttocks, grinding their erections together, “I need you Jack, please…” Ianto begged. He reached up and trailed his hand down Jack’s arm and grasped his wrist tugging Jack’s hand down, their joined hands making a channel around both their cocks. Jack stilled and looked into Ianto’s eyes.
“Please?” Ianto whimpered.

Jack tugged his hand away and the younger man’s eyes went wide, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead, “Jack!” but before he could say more, Jack had put the flannel down and squirted a generous amount of shower gel into his hand and returned it to the silken hardness of Ianto’s aching member. Ianto’s sigh of relief was swallowed up by Jack’s mouth on his.

Jack laced his fingers with Ianto’s once more and worked their hands in slow but strong rhythmic strokes up and down their shafts, twisting his wrist and swiping his thumb across their heads each time he reached the top.
Ianto’s other hand grasped frantically at Jack’s shoulders, and the captain could feel his fingers digging in as he held on, trying to ground himself. Jack’s other hand travelled leisurely down Ianto’s back, with feather light touches marking random patterns until he reached Ianto’s buttock which he squeezed gently, enticingly, before bringing his hand around Ianto’s hip to cup his balls.
Jack delighted in the groans that move elicited from his young lover. He could tell that Ianto was close and he wasn’t far behind himself, having been more than half hard all evening since they caught the weevil.
Jack ran his fingers gently over Ianto’s balls, dipping down to drag his fingernail gently across his perineum to his hole, timing it perfectly so that he brushed against that puckered muscle at exactly the same time as his other hand, entwined with Ianto’s, reached the top of its stroke up their shafts and Jack rubbed his thumb across the sensitive slit at the tip of Ianto’s cock at the same moment as he ran his tongue across the roof of Ianto’s mouth.

The triple onslaught was too much for the young man and he squirted his load over their joined hands and both of their chests.
The added lubrication and a few more strokes of their hands brought Jack tumbling over the edge after him.

Ianto broke the kiss and bent his head forward, resting his forehead onto Jack’s shoulder. Jack brought his hand up to run through Ianto’s hair, “you ok?”
“Yeah,” Ianto breathed, “that was amazing…”
“It really was,” Jack kissed the side of Ianto’s head.
Ianto raised his head and met Jack’s lips in a soft and tender kiss, all urgency now gone.
After a time Jack pulled away, “come on, let’s get cleaned up” he said reaching once more for the washcloth and shower gel.

Jack took his time washing Ianto, learning every inch of his friend’s body as he cleaned and massaged, Ianto murmuring in appreciation as Jack worked the knots out of his tired muscles. He worked his way down Ianto’s body with the washcloth, then when he was satisfied that he was clean from head to foot he kissed his way back up his gorgeous Welshman.

Jack put down the flannel and squirted shampoo into his cupped hand and the hand that Ianto held out to him. The men looked at each other and their mouths found each other’s again as they raised their hands to each other’s heads and massaged in the shampoo.
Jack closed his eyes and sighed into the kiss as he surrendered to the heavenly feel of Ianto’s skilful fingers in his hair.
After several minutes of bliss the men broke their kiss and took turns rinsing the suds out of each other’s hair, finishing just as the water started to lose its heat.

Noting the cooling of the water, Jack picked up the discarded washcloth and began to quickly wash his own body.
“Hey, I can do that,” Ianto said, reaching to take it from Jack’s hands.
“The water’s getting cold - it will be quicker if I do it myself,” Jack replied with a regretful smile hoping that Ianto saw the truth in his words and didn’t take it as a snub. “You go on and get yourself dry, I won’t be a moment.”
Ianto nodded and kissed him quickly on the cheek before exiting the shower stall, leaving Jack to complete his ablutions in the now cold water.

When he had finished, the Captain turned the tap off and stepped out of the shower - into the big fluffy white towel that Ianto took from the heated rail and held open for him.

nc-17, tw_fic, cotton_candy_bingo, ianto_jones, jack_harkness

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