The Stranger (Part 3)

Nov 30, 2013 19:57

Title: The Stranger (Part 3)
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Rhys Williams, Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones
Challenge: Written for Read more... )

tw_fic, pg, rhys_williams, gwen_cooper, jack_harkness, drabble

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Comments 5

badly_knitted November 30 2013, 20:12:24 UTC

The worst of it is that Rhys knows she's lying. It would have been kinder of her to admit that she fancies Jack instead of pretending she doesn't. How can Rhys ever trust her if he knows she keeps lying to him?


timelordshines December 1 2013, 00:41:32 UTC
Yeah. Rhys shouldn't trust her!
Although to be fair to her, she does fancy Jack (who can blame her?) but nothing happens between them.
Instead she just jumps into bed with Owen!


iantojjackh November 30 2013, 20:21:06 UTC
Gwen's a liar. Rhys is too good for her. Nice series


timelordshines December 1 2013, 00:41:58 UTC
Rhys is much too good for her.


too_beauty December 1 2013, 04:41:21 UTC
what a good lie! I'm sure Rhys did not believe it at all


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