Only You

Jul 07, 2013 20:53

Title: Only You
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Rhys Williams, Gwen Cooper
Rating: PG-13
Words: 580
Spoilers: S1E11
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for Read more... )

tw_fic, love_bingo, rhys_williams, gwen_cooper, pg-13

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Comments 12

aviv_b July 8 2013, 01:21:42 UTC
Come on Rhys, just think a little harder, LOL. Personally, I would have loved if somewhere along the way (maybe during that dreadful last season) if Rhys had woken up and remembered everything. Would have been much more exciting that way.


timelordshines July 9 2013, 22:00:52 UTC
Yeah he should have remembered. She shouldn't have got away with treating him like that!


badly_knitted July 8 2013, 14:52:16 UTC
Oho! I like this *smirk* Rhys almost remembers - wonder what would happen if someone mentioned Owen...

While I definitely don't approve of Gwen's misuse of Retcon, I have to say... She didn't do a very good job of it, did she? LOL!

Also, it's nice to hear her say that there's nothing between her and Jack and there never will be. (Even if she's clearly sorry about that),


timelordshines July 9 2013, 22:03:24 UTC
So nearly remembered.... maybe something will jog his memory. If Gwen can break retcon, why can't Rhys?

Rhys isn't stupid, he knows she wants Jack. He just didn't expect her to jump into bed with Owen when Jack ignores her advances.


iantojjackh July 8 2013, 15:51:33 UTC
Yeah bad Gwen, part of me too wants him to remember that night. Who seriously drugs someone they claim to love.


timelordshines July 9 2013, 22:04:08 UTC
She treated him so badly - and kept getting away with it! He should have remembered.


too_beauty July 8 2013, 17:49:39 UTC
I would have loved to see Rhys remembering that night and kicking Gwen to Mars!


timelordshines July 9 2013, 22:04:33 UTC
Yep. And she would deserve it!


jo02 July 23 2013, 09:53:51 UTC

This was really nicely done - and that last sentence was a real kicker!


timelordshines July 23 2013, 11:56:07 UTC
Thank you :-)
I wish he had remembered. She was such a bitch drugging him!


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