
May 01, 2011 15:08

Title: Dusk
Fandom: RPS
Characters/Pairings: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
Prompt: 032. Sunset.
fanfic100 table: here
Word Count: 512
Rating: G
Warnings: Angsty angst.
Summary: The one where nothing happens. Because losing people sucks, and sometimes it's just quiet and blank.

Jared sat on the dock, long legs dangling over the edge. He stared out over the bay, towards the sun where it was slowly setting, leaving a bright orange glimmer over the ripples in the water. He thought it felt good to not think, then tried not to think about why he didn’t want to think, which of course only made it worse. He tugged at his own hands, trying to distract himself, but he knew that he couldn’t. He hadn’t even heard the sound of Jensen’s boots on the dock’s wood planks, and he saw why as Jensen sat down next to him and he lowered his eyes, seeing bare feet swinging next to his own. Jared didn’t look up, but he accepted the cold beer that was nudged into his hands, making them cease their wringing. The cold felt good, even in the early summer breeze, and he wondered if it was enough to make him numb.

He heard the sound of Jensen’s can opening as he stared down at his own; recognized the sound of Jensen swallowing the cool liquid. They sat that way for a long time, until the sun was nearly gone and the water lost its golden shimmer, neither of them saying a word. Until Jensen shifted closer, a subtle movement that just made their shoulders touch, warmth beneath soft cotton.

“Beer’s gettin’ warm,” Jensen commented. He sighed when Jared didn’t move or answer and reached over for the can, gently pulling it from Jared’s fingers and setting it beside his own on the dock. Jared’s hand felt wet from the condensation, no longer numb. “I know you miss her,” Jensen said quietly, and Jared immediately closed his eyes and swallowed, his chest aching.

Very few people could pull out every emotion Jared had been keeping at bay with just a handful of words. Jensen was one of them. Jensen had this way of being a tough guy when he needed to be and the most caring person in the world when you needed him to be. His voice would take on a whole new tone, softer, stripped of any defense or edge that might have been there before. It was his way of making himself vulnerable when his loved ones were that always got to Jared, whether he wanted it to or not.

Jared opened his mouth to speak, but the only sound that followed was the whisper of a hesitant inhale that was never followed by words. Jensen’s shoulder moved away, but his hand rubbed over Jared’s back, arm slipping up to wrap around both of Jared’s shoulders, lightly tugging him in.

He let his head fall against Jensen’s shoulder and turned towards Jensen a bit, fingers getting the barest grip on the soft material of Jensen’s shirt. Jared closed his eyes again, just breathing, the only warmth coming from Jensen now, with the sun disappearing completely for the night. He felt and listened to Jensen breathe, smelled Jensen’s soap and detergent, and he let his mind drift again, but not alone this time.

spn rps, g, j2, fanfic100

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