Parlor Tricks

Mar 31, 2011 23:15

Title: Parlor Tricks
Fandom: RPS
Characters/Pairings: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
Prompt: 073. Light.
fanfic100 table: here
Word Count: 3,816
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Handjob?
Summary: Jensen's boss knows he's stressed and sets him up with a free massage at the nearest massage parlor. Jared is a masseur. Stuff happens.

Jensen was pretty sure flipping out at work would get him fired. Instead, it got him a calm talking-to from his boss, some time off, and a complimentary massage at the nearest parlor. In a way, Jensen was disappointed. He hated his job enough to not mind getting fired. But it was nice to know that someone recognized the fact that his work was good enough to keep him on and just allow him to decompress. To say that his job was high-stress was an understatement, and even Jensen had to admit that he did a damn good job under the circumstances.

He’d made his appointment some days in advance, and he strolled into the massage parlor expecting to meet up with Kelly, his scheduled masseuse. It wasn’t that Jensen didn’t like men. Jensen actually loved men. That was the problem. He already felt awkward about getting a massage. It was something he’d never done before, and he didn’t want to chance getting aroused in the process of having some guy putting his hands all over his naked body. But he sure as hell was going to take advantage of what work would give him for free, as long as it was a woman.

As nervous as he was, Jensen had to admit that even the waiting area was calming. He wasn’t even sure where any of the bulbs were, but the whole place seemed to just glow with a soft, warm light. An equally gentle fragrance wafted towards him as the door closed, and he decided that he liked the place. He knew it was part of the business, but everything was just right. Nothing was too harsh or too subtle, but right smack in the middle, just enough to please your senses and help you relax. He walked up to the front desk, and the receptionist greeted him with a pleasant smile, her voice following protocol and rising above that of a whisper but nowhere near the level that people usually speak.

“You must be Jensen.” She held her hand out and Jensen shook it, surprised when her free hand covered his own, as well. “Welcome. This is your first time?”

“Uh…yeah.” Jensen swallowed, shifting awkwardly. He was less nervous, but still getting used to the intimate feel of the place. “I have an appointment with Kelly?”

“Right.” The receptionist released his hand and glided back behind her desk. She gave Jensen what he thought was an apologetic look, but it was as if her features wouldn’t allow her to convey disappointment in a place like this. “I’m very sorry, but Kelly had a family emergency and needed to cancel. But we do have a masseur with an opening.”

Jensen tilted his head, wanting to complain but finding it difficult to with the aura of the massage parlor surrounding him. “Couldn’t you have called me to let me know this ahead of time?”

She smiled sweetly. “Oh, we did try. I believe I left a message on your cell phone.”

Jensen felt for his phone in his pocket and found that it wasn’t there. Then he remembered turning it off the night before, plugging it into the charger on his nightstand and leaving it there. “Oh. Well…I guess that’s okay, then.” He was about to agree when her previous words hit him like a speeding train, his mouth going dry. “I’m sorry…Did you say ‘masseur’?”

“Oh, yes.” She nodded, and even that movement was so very slight that Jensen wasn’t sure he’d actually seen it. “Jared is one of our best, if you wouldn’t mind meeting with him.”

Jensen stared, not comprehending. Then he came to and fidgeted a bit, looking around and trying to find the calmness he’d had when he first walked into the place. “Do you have any other masseuse…es? Is that the plural? Um. Any other women? I mean, it’s not that I have a problem with men, it’s just…I’d prefer a woman.”

If Jensen’s statement was offensive, the receptionist’s face didn’t show it. “No, I’m very sorry. They’re all booked today. Jared is our only masseur available. We can reschedule you, if you like, but I can assure you that you would be very pleased with Jared’s services.”

Jensen knew that if he left now, it would only reinforce his anxiety. He’d keep going over the conversation in his head, wondering if he was rude, wondering if he’d offended someone, wondering if he could’ve handled it better instead of rescheduling and walking out, refusing Jared’s services. And what if Jared found out, and then Jensen saw him there when he went back? Jensen took a deep breath. He was always doing this, stressing himself out, a never-ending barrage of “what if” coursing through his brain. He was supposed to be relaxing. Maybe…Maybe he could handle this. And just relax.

“Thank you,” he said, licking his lips and swallowing. “I guess I’ll be just fine with Jared, then.”

“Wonderful.” She sat down behind her desk and reached over towards a panel of buttons. “And thank you for working with us. Jared will be out in just a moment.” Her finger pressed down on one of the buttons, and Jensen caught movement out of the corner of his eye. There was no sound; no buzz, no creak of a door. But he saw Jared coming out of a room in the back, and his jaw nearly dropped.

Jared was dressed all in white. It wasn’t a starched, shocking white, but it matched with the soft glow of the lighting. He wore something like scrubs, but they looked softer, cleaner, fresher, more relaxing and comfortable. He was tall, huge even, with big hands and obvious muscle. Long, dark hair framed his face and curled up a little at the back, and the smile that graced his features was so natural and comforting that Jensen almost forgot how attracted he was to this man. Almost.

“Hi, I’m Jared.”

Jensen just stared with wide eyes when Jared’s hand reached out to him. Then he gave a little jolt and shook Jared’s hand, cheeks burning bright when Jared’s hands cupped his the way the receptionist’s had. “J-Jensen,” he stuttered, wondering why he’d even agreed to this.

Jared’s smile widened, brilliant, perfectly white teeth showing in the low light of the room. “Jensen,” he repeated, the warmth in his voice washing over Jensen and making him shiver. “It’s very nice to meet you. I’ll be massaging you today, so if there’s anything you need that will make you more comfortable, you just let me know. Can I get you anything? Water? Tea?” Jensen shook his head, words failing him. “Okay, then. Let’s take you back to the room so you can get undressed.”

Jensen nodded and made a sound in his throat that might have been “Okay,” but he really wasn’t sure. He stared at Jared’s back as he followed Jared back to the room, careful not to look any lower then between Jared’s shoulder blades. Jared’s incredibly strong and well-defined shoulder blades. Fuck.

“Here we are.” Jared opened the door he’d just come out of and held it for Jensen, letting Jensen in first. Jensen wasn’t sure where the sound was coming from, but speakers somewhere released the soothing sounds of nature: gentle rain, birds, light winds. The light was even lower in here, candles lit all around the room, the massage table in the middle and a table full of scents and oils to the left. “There’s a small bin for your clothes over in the corner, just to store them until we’re finished. You can use the sheet on the table to cover yourself up. I’ll just give you a few minutes to get comfortable. We’ll be starting with you on your stomach. Take your time.”

He turned just in time to see Jared flash him another smile and exit the room. And then he looked around, blinked, and panicked, his heart pounding fast while he tried to stop sweating and get his breathing under control. He could do this. His hands shook slightly as he pulled his clothes off, folding them and dropping them into the bin. He paused once he was completely naked and looked down at his dick, still soft for the time being.

“You behave yourself,” he whispered harshly, pointing at it. Then he got up on the table, everything just the right temperature, turned over onto his stomach, and covered his ass up with the sheet.

A timid knock came a few moments later, and then Jared slipped into the room. “Are you comfortable? Do you need anything?”

“Yeah, no,” Jensen answered quickly. “I’m fine. Totally fine.” He heard Jared washing his hands thoroughly at the sink to his right.

“Do you have any problem areas you’d like me to work on? Any particular tenseness in your back, shoulders, arms?”

“No,” Jensen said, shrugging. And when he shrugged, he realized just how tense his shoulders really were. “Just…kind of…everything.” He sighed, trying to relax and sound a little more normal. “I’ve been having issues with work. My boss sent me here to relieve stress, so I guess it’s just…all over.”

The sound of Jared slicking his hands up accompanied the mellow tones of his voice. “Where do you work?”

Jensen almost couldn’t breathe, listening to Jared coat his hands with an oil Jensen could already smell. “Uh…it’s a…a firm. Investment consultants. I’m an investment consultant. And the market isn’t so great right now, so people are…And I’ve kind of lost my cool.”

Jared stepped closer. Jensen could tell by the wisp of Jared’s clothes. “Your boss must still be happy with you, though. He sent you here.”

“Yeah,” Jensen agreed, tensing up even more. “Yeah, my numbers are pretty good. Well…better than good. I don’t mean to sound full of myself, but I’ve done a better job than most. I think it’s the only reason I haven’t been canned.”

“You’re a hard worker.” Jared’s hands came down on Jensen’s shoulders, and Jensen gasped and flinched. “Relax,” Jared said calmly, spreading the oil over Jensen’s skin. “Just relax.” There was a pause while Jared rubbed down Jensen’s back. “You really are tense. Is this your first time?”

Jensen really wished people would stop asking him that. “Yeah,” he said gruffly, grunting when Jared started working on a deep knot in his lower back. “Yeah, so, if I’m a little weird, you know why.”

“You’re not weird,” Jared chided, and it was the most emotion Jensen had heard in someone’s voice since he’d gotten there. Jared’s fingers and thumbs pressed in and rolled, working through slight pain to release the muscle and bring pleasure, soothing Jensen with his hands. “It’s something you have to get used to. Does that feel okay? Let me know if I’m using too much pressure.”

Jensen almost moaned, but stopped himself. “It feels great,” he said, trying to convey his appreciation in his voice. They’d only just started, and Jared was releasing kinks Jensen didn’t even know he had. He actually released the tension in his neck, letting his face fall more firmly into the padded cushion for his head. It felt good to be cradled there. “If I had known it would feel like this, I would’ve come here so much sooner.”

Jared chuckled, and Jensen felt butterflies in his stomach. “Just let me know if you need anything. I’ll stop talking now and let you relax.”

“I don’t mind if we talk,” Jensen murmured, but then fell into a comfortable silence anyway, feeling drugged and half-asleep while Jared massaged his back, his shoulders, his neck. Jared worked down the backs of his arms, and by the time he moved down to Jensen’s legs, Jensen was too pleasantly out of it to even care about the intimacy of it, his calves warming up and letting go beneath Jared’s fingers.

Jensen knew it had been a long time, but it still didn’t feel like long enough when Jared’s hand gently touched his shoulder. “Jensen? If everything feels okay, would you be able to turn over onto your back for me?”

Jensen actually whined at the idea of moving, butterflies flitting in his stomach again when he heard Jared’s low chuckle. And then it hit him. His eyes flew open and he froze. He was hard. Jared was asking him to turn over, and he was hard.

“Jensen?” Jared’s voice held some concern then, his hand moving to the middle of Jensen’s back. “You seem tense again. Is something wrong? Is anything hurting you?”

“No,” Jensen said, a little too quickly. “No. I-I just…” Oh, God.

Silence lingered between them until Jensen’s face flushed and Jared’s hand smoothed its way back up to Jensen’s shoulder. “It’s okay,” Jared said softly. “It happens.”

“What?” Jensen’s voice was barely audible, and he was absolutely mortified. Jared didn’t, couldn’t know.

“It’s perfectly normal for any man to have an erection during a massage. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Jensen groaned and smushed more of his face through the table’s opening. “I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize.” Jared’s voice was calm and reassuring, like this was no big deal at all, and Jensen almost believed him. “Would you like me to give you a moment, or are you ready to continue? If you’d rather stop, that’s okay, too.”

Jensen laid there for a moment, thinking and trying not to think. “So…I can turn over?”

“Absolutely,” Jared answered, no sarcasm or judgment in his voice. “Feel free to, whenever you’re ready.”

It took some courage, and after talking it out with Jared, Jensen’s body felt all liquefied again, so it also took some effort. But he slowly turned over, Jared helping him to keep the sheet in place. He told himself not to, but he looked down at himself and felt his cheeks flush all over again at the obvious tent in the sheet.

“Just relax,” Jared repeated, retrieving more oil from the table and starting at Jensen’s shoulders again, working his way down.

Despite the terror of his hard dick straining against the sheet, Jensen found himself drifting away again, his eyes closing as Jared worked him over, releasing the tension in his torso, his arms, and his legs. Jared even worked over Jensen’s feet, his hands, and then, mother of God, Jared moved on to Jensen’s head and face. Jensen never expected Jared’s fingers over his scalp to feel so damn good. He moaned then, unable to stop it. He hadn’t realized how tight his jaw had been, how much stress had built up in his forehead.

Jared gradually stopped the soothing motions of his fingers on Jensen’s scalp, his hand moving to Jensen’s shoulder again. “Jensen? That’s the end of the massage. How do you feel? Do you need anything? Do you still feel tense?”

Jensen’s eyes slowly fluttered open, and he felt like he could stay there forever and be content. He looked up at Jared and shook his head. “No. No, everything feels great. It feels perfect. Except for one thing.” He smirked a little, still felt some color rising to his cheeks, but he was comfortable enough that he was trying for humor now. “How about a happy ending?”

Jared grinned, and Jensen felt relieved. That grin made him feel a lot less like an ass for having his dick sticking up under the sheets and looking obscene even in the dim light. “Is that something you’d be comfortable with your first time?”

Jensen was about to laugh, because Jared had to be joking. And Jared still looked calm and jovial, but his hand was slipping down Jensen’s abdomen to rest just under his navel. It stilled there, a warm presence over Jensen’s slick, loose body, and Jensen suddenly realized that this wasn’t all a joke. This was at least half serious.

“I-I…” Jensen stuttered and then trailed off. His dick throbbed at the thought of Jared’s big, warm, oiled hand jerking him off. He tried to find the right words, tried to think through his confusion and arousal. “Do you do that here?” he croaked, eyes opening a little wider. “Are you…Wouldn’t you…charge extra for that?”

Jared bit his bottom lip a little, as if to keep from laughing, and Jensen was surprised to see Jared’s cheeks color a bit. “It’s not a part of our services, no.” He looked away, scratching at the hair curled up at the back of his neck. “And I wouldn’t charge you for it.” Jared paused for a beat, then laughed nervously, and as much as Jensen enjoyed the atmosphere in the place, he was almost thanking God for this bit of normalcy. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be…I’m probably making you really uncomfortable, and I shouldn’t be doing this, and I could lose my job, I just…I think you’re…” He threw up both of his hands and shrugged, looking just as terrified as Jensen had felt when he first saw Jared. Jensen just missed the feel of Jared’s hand on his body. “I’m really sorry. Please, just…don’t say anything? I’ll understand if you never wanna see me again.”

“No, it’s okay.” Jensen couldn’t believe he was even saying that, but somehow it was. And wasn’t this a bizarre situation? He licked his lips and peered up at Jared, unsure. “So, you…you wanted to do it?”

“Want to,” Jared confirmed, nodding and still speaking his mind, even if he looked incredibly nervous. “Present tense.” They both stared at each other, time ticking away, neither sure of how to say yes. And then Jared hesitantly placed his hand back on Jensen’s stomach. “It’s okay,” he said, whispered, still unsure. “If you want me to.”

Jensen swallowed hard, still feeling a bit dazed from the rest of the massage. His dick twitched, and he gave the barest hint of a nod, wondering how all of this was even possible. Jared gently pulled the sheet away, moving it off the table entirely and lowering it to the floor. Jensen watched, holding his breath while his pulse pounded in his ears and Jared pumped some more oil out onto his hands.

“This is…” Jared started speaking and stopped, eyes on Jensen’s dick, cheeks red. “You’re pretty damn beautiful, you know that?” His voice was a bit shaky, and Jensen offered him a small smile.

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

Jared looked up, smiled shyly back at him, then turned his focus back to Jensen’s dick, one hand gripping it firmly at the base and dragging a slow, wet stroke up to the tip. Jensen groaned and closed his eyes, body melting into the table again.

“It’s important that you’re quiet,” Jared whispered, even though there was an audible change in his own breathing. “Just be quiet and relax.”

“Feels so good,” Jensen murmured, shuddering when Jared released his dick only to smooth up the sides of it with both palms. Jared held him gently in the tips of his fingers, moved his thumbs in gentle, massaging circles over the base, working all the way up the shaft. The touch was barely there, but enough to make Jensen gasp in pleasure.

“Just breathe, Jensen.” Jared’s voice sounded much darker, a bit of urgency in it to keep Jensen quiet, and Jensen obeyed, focusing on the simple task of taking deep breaths, in and out. Jared’s fingers clasped together, both hands wrapped around Jensen’s dick, and he started stroking with a little more pressure, twisting his hands at the tip and then smoothing back down. “Jensen,” Jared spoke, a little breathless, “I’m just gonna…”

One hand gripped Jensen’s dick, still stroking it, while the other slipped down to his balls, slick fingers playing over them, stroking, circling, massaging. Jensen’s chest heaved, and he simply nodded when Jared asked if it was okay, as if Jensen would ever not want Jared to touch his balls. The hand on Jensen’s dick twisted up the shaft, then squeezed slightly around the head before slipping off, and Jensen let out a low moan, biting his lip to keep from doing it again.

The fingers on Jensen’s balls slipped past them to his perineum, pressing and rubbing, and Jensen’s legs immediately fell open wider, his hips pushing up. They moved in a small circle that slowly got wider, getting closer and closer to his ass, and Jensen couldn’t even hear the soothing nature sounds now for the sound of both of their heavy breathing.

“Can I?” Jared rasped, fingers moving towards Jensen’s hole. “Jensen, can I?” Barely a nod, and Jared’s finger slipped inside, just one enough to make Jensen’s hips buck when it crooked inside of him, Jared’s other hand still twisting and squeezing over his dick. A second finger, both of them curling to stroke over his prostate, and Jensen was choking back a moan and coming, Jared’s hand keeping up short, quick strokes just beneath the head through each spurt, fingers still pressing deep inside of him.

Jared waited a few moments before releasing Jensen, fingers slowly pulling out of his ass. Neither of them spoke, Jensen still trying to catch his breath while Jared cleaned him up with a towel, wiping the come away from Jensen’s stomach. Jensen slowly opened his eyes and saw the arousal in Jared, the dark eyes and the obvious erection in Jared’s white pants. He licked his lips, finding his voice to speak again.

“Do you want me to…?”

“No,” Jared said, smiling and shaking his head. “No, it’s okay. I’ll take care of myself. You look pretty out of it, anyway.”

“I am,” Jensen replied, lazy smile pulling at his lips. “I guess I should give you a pretty hefty tip, then, huh?”

“I’m not a whore,” Jared retorted, grinning at him. “But you could maybe take me out to dinner? Get to know me? If you want to.”

Jensen nodded. “I’d like that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll let you get dressed.”

Jared winked and left the room, leaving Jensen alone to stretch and feel out his newly stress-relieved body, pleasant and euphoric. It took him a while to get up and get dressed, and then Jared met him at the front desk to hand him his card. Jensen still gave him a generous tip, then smiled at Jared’s cell number written on the back of the card. He called and left a message as soon as he got outside.

“Hey, you. That was some massage you gave me. Maybe I can return the favor for you sometime. I’d like to maybe Friday night at eight? I’ll take you out for that dinner you wanted, then bring you back to my place. Let me know if that sounds good. And thanks. Really. And for the record? I never do things like this. I think you just gave me a whole new outlook on life. Call me back, stud.”

nc-17, spn rps, j2, fanfic100

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