[Thread; Closed]

Jan 17, 2010 14:07

Characters: Eiko, Tifa and Denzel
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Eiko detours to Madain Sari on the way back to Lindblum and drags the others along.
Location: Madain Sari
Date: January 1804
Warnings: You could die of the cute?

Welcome to Madain Sari! )

tifa lockhart, eiko carol, denzel

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Comments 40

heartofheaven January 17 2010, 20:30:16 UTC
Eiko was always surrounded by moogles. It never ceased to amaze Tifa just how many there were. She held Denzel's hand as she looked around the empty village. The place was beautiful, but also desolate. If it weren't for the moogles, it would feel much too quiet.

"This is your home? But it's in ruins..."


xnotyetaherox January 17 2010, 21:11:26 UTC
The Lifestream hadn't managed to cure Denzel, but he was trying not to let it get to him. After all, he had put up with it for this long without dying, so there was no reason he couldn't keep on living with it. But any self-pity and wallowing he had soon vanished when he found out that Cloud had gone off to do hero stuff and Shelke had gone with him. He wasn't too happy at being left behind. He could be a hero too!

Yet, he was secretly glad that Tifa had caved in and taken them to Eiko's home. He held onto Tifa's hand, looking around in wonder. It might be ruins but it was still so beautiful. Nothing like Midgar at all! "Woah..."


lastsummoner January 17 2010, 21:20:53 UTC
"Yep! Home to the summoner's tribe." Eiko puffed up with pride at that. She was choosing to ignore the fact that she and Dagger were the only two summoners from that tribe left alive. No point in telling them that either. It was pretty obvious that the only inhabitants left were all the moogles.

"We're going to have company tonight, so you're all going to help me cook!" she informed the moogles. A general groan set up from the winged creatures. They remembered just how well Eiko cooked and it hadn't improved much in the last four years. "Hey! I said you're helping and that's that!"

She whipped around and beckoned for Tifa and Denzel to follow along, chattering the whole way. "The village has been like this since before I was born. Grandpa said that a big storm happened, but Dagger says it was really the Invincible. We'll stay at my house tonight, okay?"


heartofheaven January 17 2010, 22:54:50 UTC
Tifa followed, smiling at Eiko's chatter. So did that mean that Eiko had been living here all alone? Well, except for the moogles.

"Sure," she replied. "You know, I can cook. I'd be happy to cook for you all tonight."


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