[Thread; Closed]

Jan 17, 2010 14:07

Characters: Eiko, Tifa and Denzel
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Eiko detours to Madain Sari on the way back to Lindblum and drags the others along.
Location: Madain Sari
Date: January 1804
Warnings: You could die of the cute?

Eiko and Denzel had both fussed and sulked when they found out that Cloud and Shelke left to rescue Nanaki and left them behind. Eiko really more than Denzel. She'd been quite the brat, yelling and stomping. Being treated like a little kid was so annoying to her she just couldn't stand it. So after a fair bit of whining and pleading, she'd finally gotten an agreement to go to Madain Sari so she could pray at the Eidolon Wall. Then home.

The child led the way, winding through the mountain path, stopping to chatter with moogles along the way.  The village came into view and Eiko raced ahead. "That's it! We're home!"

Home for Eiko was a village in crumbles, signs of utter devastation, and not even recently. Still when she strolled into the empty streets, kupos rang out from every direction and a mass of moogles flocked to her side. "Welcome to Madain Sari!" she announced to her traveling friends.

tifa lockhart, eiko carol, denzel

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