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alittlebitesper October 23 2009, 03:02:27 UTC
Terra stood off to the side of the crowd, dressed in this lovely dress, with her green hair done up and her magacite pendant accenting her skin. Her hands are folded behind her back, her head tilted to the side as she just...watched the crowd ( ... )


wwiiflyingace October 26 2009, 17:45:19 UTC
"Well, you wouldn't be the first girl." She seemed really reluctant and nervous about it, though, and he didn't want to force anything on her. No, that was what they in the biz call a "dick move." (Coincidentally, that meant Selphie was full of 'em, didn't it?)

"If you really don't want to it's okay, I can go tell Selphie to stop shoving you at guys."


alittlebitesper October 27 2009, 03:49:25 UTC
Terra wasn't reluctant to be dancing with him, though she didn't get the hint he was offering when he said that first bit. "I would not mind," she said with another faint smile. "It is only that I would not want it to not be any fun for you."


wwiiflyingace October 27 2009, 04:48:10 UTC
Dancing with a pretty girl? Never not fun. Hahaha he uh he didn't want to say that though because it would come off kind of creepy, wouldn't it? (He wasn't smooth enough to pull off a line like that, not like Irvine could've pulled it off.)

He just smiled and said, "It's fine, trust me. I don't mind."


alittlebitesper October 27 2009, 16:00:59 UTC
"Well, uhm, alright then." Terra didn't quite seem to know what to do at that point, but after a moment she stepped a bit closer and offered out a pale hand to Nida. "You will have to show me what to do, I think."


wwiiflyingace November 1 2009, 19:21:30 UTC
...Oh man, now that he'd actually convinced her, he almost didn't know what to do. It was like getting caught up in the action and losing sight of the goal along the way.

Oh, right. Dance.

Recovering his wits, he accepted her hand and stepped up to her. Once they were all arranged in the proper setup, he said, "Just follow my lead, do what I do. I'll take it slow for you."

Nida's knowledge of ballroom dance came, interestingly enough, from the fact that he'd wanted something to impress girls with during school dances. Dudes at school dances don't actually know how to dance, you see, they just sort of fake it and hope girls don't notice. Nida had taken the time to get some lessons and learn how it was done, thus securing the admiration of any girls he asked to dance.

Of course it kind of all fell apart when he never actually got up the courage to ask girls to dance. C'est la vie.


ladiesmanirvine October 23 2009, 17:26:00 UTC
Of course Irvine noticed the green haired woman he met during his shopping trip with her. He smirked and walked his way towards her, in a very calm fashion.

He grinned at her and replied, "Why madame, I do believe we have met, but it seems we were never properly introduced." He bowed, taking off his hat in fashion to Terra and looked up at her and stated, "Irvine Kinneas, Member of Galbadia Garden's SeeD." He lifted himself up and asked very curiously, "And you would be madame?"


alittlebitesper October 23 2009, 19:08:49 UTC
Terra noticed Irvine approaching and was immediately uncertain what the proper response was. But when he...introduced himself again, that at least gave her something to work with. "Uhm." She paused, trying to think. "Terra Branford." She finally said in response, smiling weakly. "Just Terra, no...froms or associations or anything..."


ladiesmanirvine October 23 2009, 19:39:29 UTC
"A pleasure Terra," he complimented, before gently grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it. He walked up beside her and asked, "So how are you enjoying yourself?" He saw that she was a little bit nervous and he didn't want to be too much for her. Finally he leaned in to her and stated in a quiet tone, "You also don't have to be so nervous, it's a party just relax and have fun."


alittlebitesper October 24 2009, 04:22:15 UTC
"It's...interesting." She said after a moments thought. "I have been to things like this before but I do not remember much of them, so I am trying to learn how they work." She shook her head and smiled weakly, looking slightly away. "I cannot help but be nervous, I'm sorry. It's...hard to relax with all these people around."


ladiesmanirvine October 24 2009, 04:28:11 UTC
He was curious to what she meant by not remembering going to events, maybe she had GF memory loss like back on his world. He really didn't question it. He smiled at her and replied, "Well, you know what I do in situations such as this, I ignore everyone I'm not focused on and have a good time." Irvine saw a table full of drinks and replied, "Excuse me, for one moment," then walked over to the table and grabbed two drinks. He then promptly handed one to Terra and stated, "A drink for the fine lady?"


alittlebitesper October 24 2009, 17:38:03 UTC
"I am not very good at ignoring the things around me," Terra said, sighing faintly. "I was trained to fight from when I was very small, it made me a bit paranoid, I think."

She fell silent as he walked away, her eyes watching him through the crowd until he returned. "Oh, thank you." She took the drink with a faint smile and took a small sip of it. "Why do you keep calling me a lady?" She asked suddenly, turning to look up at him. "Edgar does that too. I'm not royalty, I'm just a soldier. I'm not even really that anymore."


ladiesmanirvine October 24 2009, 18:06:25 UTC
He shook his head with a smile and said, "It doesn't matter if you are a solider, or royalty. You're not a man, you're a woman, a very elegant woman. And I will tell you this, a lot of people will start calling you lady." He took a sip of his drink as well, before placing it on a nearby table and added, "So this Edgar person you mentioned, is he a friend of yours? A lover maybe?" He liked to know as much about a person as possible, so that way they could feel much more comfortable around him. His attention, his eyes and his soft smile were directed to Terra, just listening to what she had to say.


alittlebitesper October 24 2009, 18:34:55 UTC
Terra didn't know what to say to his compliment, so she said nothing, just looking up at him trying to figure it out. She wasn't used to this sort of attention without it being from Edgar, and she'd gotten used to just not understanding what the King meant. It was different somehow than with Edgar.

She flushed faintly at the question about lovers and shook her head faintly, turning to look away. "No, he isn't my...He is just a good friend. I'm not even sure I can..." She trailed off and shook her head, not going to let herself fall into her 'can I even love' funk. "He's a king, actually." She added, deciding to focus on thoughts of her friend instead.


ladiesmanirvine October 24 2009, 19:07:49 UTC
"A king, you say? Very impressive Terra. But if he is just a friend, then he a very lucky person to meet someone as beautiful as yourself," the cowboy stated, charming her with his smile and his words.

The sound of music filled the air which caught Irvine's ear. He smirked then bowed in front of her and asked, "Ms. Brandford, I hope it is not terribly rude, but would you do me a great honor if I could have this dance?" He extended his hand out still bowing to her waiting for her reaction.


alittlebitesper October 24 2009, 19:19:55 UTC
Terra just seemed confused by the compliments, where a normal girl might have been flustered or flattered. She was trying to piece them together somehow, to make it make sense, and it just didn't really work.

"Dance?" She went perfectly still for a moment. "I...do not actually know how to dance, though I don't think I would mind if I did." She thought the dancing looked fun, except she didn't even know where to start.


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