[Thread; Closed]

Oct 02, 2009 12:54

Characters: Seymour, Eiko, Anima
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Two summoners go see a fayth.
Location: Madain Sari to the Eidolon Wall
Date: Early June, 1803
Warnings: Seymour being a creep, possible angst later

Seeing Anima again had its ups and downs for Seymour. )

seymour guado, eiko carol, anima (npc)

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Comments 18

lastsummoner October 2 2009, 17:29:05 UTC
Eiko had thoroughly enjoyed the trip back to Madain Sari. This time, there was no trepidation for her, no nervousness about returning to the village she'd deserted. And learning even more about Spira's summons had proven an utter delight for the child. Still, she was in for something of a surprise, as she'd heard the talk of fayths, but had not actually seen one. Anima had only been summoned before her.

"It's this way!" she told Seymour cheerfully, leading the way through the rubble of what had once been a prosperous village. Like the last time, moogles came out in throngs to her call of "I'm home!" There were hugs and pats all around, taking the better part of a quarter of an hour, before the little one explained they were here to pray at the Eidolon Wall.

On the way in, it was utterly impossible to miss the complete devastation all around. Something powerful had leveled the place, save the wall carved into the rock which was their destination. "I need to pray at the Wall, alright?"


sinsmymaster October 3 2009, 16:14:56 UTC
The village itself held much interest for Seymour, so he didn't really mind the wait as Eiko greeted the moogles she was so obviously fond of. Who was he to cut their reunion short? Besides, it was a good chance to see more of her personality, find out what made her tick, and he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity.

So he examined things, looking very interested to find out what on earth had caused all this devastation. What had brought this place to its knees like this?

Whatever it was... it reminded him forcibly of Sin and he desired its power.

When Eiko mentioned the Wall, Seymour finally turned and walked nearer. "I shall accompany her. You need not worry." It was mostly to reassure the moogles, but if it assured the girl of his loyalties as well, all the better.


lastsummoner October 5 2009, 18:32:56 UTC
When Seymour mentioned accompanying Eiko to the wall, there was a couple of questioning kupos from the moogles. The little one nodded. "It's okay. He's a summoner too." Just like that, the winged creatures were satisfied and scattered to their daily tasks.

On her arrival at the wall, the sound of the statue singing could be heard. She'd grown accustomed to hearing it when she was here last, painting eidolons with Rydia. It had a soothing, but poignant sound to it, but to Eiko, it enhanced the sacredness of the location. The incense was still burning, courtesy of diligent moogles who tended the location in her absence. "You can go ahead and look around," Eiko informed her guest as she knelt before the fragrant pile to pray.


sharemypain October 5 2009, 18:37:13 UTC
The moment Seymour had entered the village, she could feel his presence. Anima had felt it from a distance, his life and her bond with him stirred the very second he entered Gaia. It was both, a relief and a heartbreak for her. And yet, she waited, near the back of the Eidolon Wall, encased in stone, hoping and fearing that he would come.

No sooner had the little one closed her eyes in prayer, the fayth came to life, materializing above the statue, and looking for her son. He had come.


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