[Thread; Closed]

Oct 02, 2009 12:54

Characters: Seymour, Eiko, Anima
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Two summoners go see a fayth.
Location: Madain Sari to the Eidolon Wall
Date: Early June, 1803
Warnings: Seymour being a creep, possible angst later

Seeing Anima again had its ups and downs for Seymour. On the one hand, this was his mother and he would be looking forward to seeing her and finding out if her aeon actually worked here. On the other, they might not have the best rapport due to the circumstances, especially if she somehow knew about the real situation involving Jyscal's death, but it would be difficult to tell until he'd spoken to her. He doubted she would tell anyone else without prompting.

It was just as well.

The trip from Lindblum to Madain Sari had been filled with questions from both parties and Seymour had been as kind and comforting and explanatory as he knew how. Both sides had gotten and given a lot of information, which Seymour was pleased at. Now he knew a little more about this place's method of summoning and what he might expect.

The ship landed and he led the way out and into the deserted ruins, taking great care to wait for the child who would be his guide once more. "Lady Eiko? Where shall we go from here?"

seymour guado, eiko carol, anima (npc)

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