Protecting My Devotion - Group 5

Mar 12, 2011 07:53

Characters: Irvine Kinneas, Eiko Carol, and Rikku
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: What's worth fighting for.
Location: Memoria
Date: 11th March, 1805.
Warning: Eiko being a brat, Rikku being hyperactive, and Irvine hitting on a blonde. Yea I see no immediate warnings >.>

So lock up your daughter Lock up your wife Lock up your back door And run for your life )

irvine kinneas, rikku, eiko carol

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Comments 7

lastsummoner March 12 2011, 22:12:46 UTC
For once Eiko had been snug in her bed, snuggled up to a good dozen moogles for warmth and company. Even after leaving her village behind, that habit was one she never left and probably never would. So when she sat up and realized that she was no longer in her bed, she was confused. Finding herself on the floor made her worry she'd fallen out of it. Finding no moogles nearby, or for that matter, not her room at all, she got angry. Never took much to irritate the girl.

She'd rather thought she'd been kidnapped or something equally stupid. Because it was stupid. She was a summoner and whoever did this was going to pay for it. And for whatever she was certain had to have been done to both her moogles and to Rishfee to make it happen.

Then she got a good look around and it was far too familiar. In the same way things were familiar when she went missing but she didn't remember it. This place, she'd seen it before. Had she been taken from home again?! Fury welled up in her and on hearing a voice down the hallway, she went marching that ( ... )


knowshermachina March 13 2011, 06:16:49 UTC
Rikku had been awake when the light caught her, and unfortunately she'd been running through her workshop a little bit too fast, so when she was deposited in this unfamiliar setting she promptly ran smack into a wall. She barely managed to brace herself with her hands, and still whacked her forehead against the white surface lightly.


She bounced back, rubbing at her forehead with the back of her hand and then rubbing her hands together lightly to work off the friction. Her spiral eyes flicked about, a look of vague irritation on her usually chipper face. "Fryd huf?" She was getting rather tired of being plucked from one world to another, frankly.

At the sound of voices she stopped, listening for a moment...a man and a...child? Hmm. She wasn't anywhere she recognized, but there were bits of Spira she hadn't visited since the reconstruction began. So she hurried towards the voices, but paused when she spotted...was that the Princess of Lindblum? Huh.

"Hey! What's going on?"


ladiesmanirvine March 13 2011, 15:39:06 UTC
Hearing both voices, Irvine rushed over to see if anyone of his friends made it to this place as well. Only to hear children laughing. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked out and was shocked at the sight he was seeing, his friends, his family, when they were younger. Playing with each other laughing. Squall, Selphie, Quistis, Ellone, Zell, Matron, and even Seifer. He looked out at the window, smiling at the sight. It had been so long since he'd saw them all like this, but he remembered it like yesterday.

He ignored the two girls around him, when he saw the children growing up into the people they were, Seifer now replaced with Rinoa, however their looks turned upward with stern cold faces. Irvine blinked at the sight then looked up seeing a sight shocking and terrifying. His body stiffened as he looked on to see the Ulticeima and Adel descending down upon the Garden.


lastsummoner March 14 2011, 04:25:59 UTC
Eiko made a face and retorted, "That's what I want to know." She vaguely recognized them both but did not in any way want to be here. She wanted her bed and her moogles. After she got an explanation.

Only when Irvine started acting really strange did she even begin to guess where they might be. Her response to it was less than thrilled and she stomped her feet in frustration. "Not again! I hate this place!"


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