
Jan 25, 2011 22:07

Characters: Lightning, Serah, Vanille
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: It's time for a long-overdue talk
Location: Luca, spare apartment where Vanille's thinking of taking up residence.
Date: backdated to right after Vanille got back from the memory!Oerba
Warnings: looots of sobbing and angst I'd imagine

Seeing Oerba in its prime again had a surprisingly dour effect on Vanille's mood. )

serah farron, oerba dia vanille, lightning farron

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Comments 13

focustrigger January 26 2011, 12:02:35 UTC
As she walked with her sister, Serah was somewhat subdued. She had been like that most of the day - she responded to others, she smiled, but the smile never reached her eyes. There were many things involved in that, really, partly for understanding what everyone had gone through, partly worry for others, partly about the ghostly image of an empty Bodhum which was eerily accurate, and... because of the particular night she'd seen.

Serah missed Snow. It wasn't that crazy of a sentiment, really; it was obvious that she would. She missed him most of the time, but, it wasn't like she needed him to function. But the night she had seen had made it hit her full force that he was not here.

She forced herself to focus on what she was doing, walking with Lightning to go and see Vanille. This had somewhat been her idea, so she should really keep her mind on it.


fulminous January 26 2011, 19:14:27 UTC
Lightning could tell that Serah had something on her mind. She also had a fairly good idea of what it was, and she also knew that there wasn't really anything she could do about it. The air around them was solemn, subdued.. nothing new for Lightning, but when it came to Serah, well..

Lightning raised a hand in a wave as they approached Vanille, placing her other hand on Serah's shoulder.

"We didn't make you wait long, did we?"


tosavecocoon January 26 2011, 19:24:43 UTC
As soon as Vanille spotted them, she bounced to her feet with a bright smile and waved in return. There was no need to enter a somber conversation with a somber mood.

"Of course not!" Vanille had only been around long enough to set Bhakti on the kitchen table and look around at the rooms again before she'd headed outside and then she'd only been there for a few minutes.

It was still so strange to think of Serah as living again. The crystal stasis... that's all it was. It wasn't death, just stasis. Vanille and Fang were living proof of that. Even so, Vanille had to shake herself a little to remind herself that Serah was really there.

And now was her chance to really apologize ( ... )


focustrigger January 26 2011, 21:42:25 UTC
The support was welcomed from Lightning, and she gently squeezed her sister's hand with her own before moving foward to follow Vanille inside. A soft smile crept onto her face - Vanille's enthusiasm, conjured up or not, was always catching - and looked around for a moment, before smiling a little more wider at Vanille. She was... grateful that Vanille had gone to all the trouble. And was offering to let them live with her, no less. A home, with her family, her actual family and those she knew so well from watching, from watching their trials across Cocoon and Gran Pulse, always knowing they'd find a way to succeed. Those she trusted. ... Even if, Vanille was the only one here right now, she counted, most definately. Perhaps even more so.

"Really? I'd like that. If we could live together," she nodded, adding, "And it's not too far back to Tifa's from here. We can still see her, right?"


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