Characters: Kain and Open (Mostly to swoop in and uh, 'surprise' Cecil. XD But anyone else in the area is welcome to have a thread too.)
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Kain finally returns to be around people for what will be a (very) short time.
Location: Troia
Date: Before the event... so today still counts!
Warnings: IDK
Suddenly a dragon approaches Troia... )
Comments 14
"Hey! You're back!"
Ceodore's reaction was the complete opposite to the disaster he had been expecting, though. He looked up at the dragon and to its rider -- and stared in shock. "Kain?"
"Welcome back, Sir Kain...and Zephyr." She nodded to them both, not about to slight the dragon.
He nodded in greeting at Ceodore and Ursula, before glancing at Cecil. It was still an unusual change to him, to see his friend aged several years... but he was still the same Cecil, just as it had been like for Rosa, not too long ago.
"Yes... I'm back. For now."
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