[Thread; Closed]

Oct 01, 2010 00:07

Characters: Terra, Relm, Edgar...and then Jihl at some point. (Maybe Celes and Locke once the fight attracts attention?)
Progress: On-going
Summary: Terra and Relm seek out Edgar about Relm's stone, and Jihl confronts them. Essentially, doom.
Location: Figaro Castle, Edgar's office
Date: Sept. 30, 1804
Warnings: Violence

This just isn't Terra's week. )

relm arrowny, jihl nabaat, terra branford, edgar figaro

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Comments 47

starprism October 1 2010, 04:17:40 UTC
The chalk monsters continued to move across the floor but stopped at the door as Relm poked her head through after Terra. Her sketchbook, however, came with her. She clutched it tightly to her chest as she decided the room was safe and entered.

"It's super important. About those stones."


sonoffigaro October 1 2010, 05:24:26 UTC
Edgar had looked up as the door opened, setting aside his pen and watching as Terra entered. She was far too courteous of his duties to interrupt him needlessly-

But when Relm followed her, looking possibly as worried as he could ever remember, and then said something about stones?

The king pulled off his glasses and dropped them on the desk at the same time as he rose from his chair and crossed the floor quickly to the two girls. "Stones" was undoubtedly one of his keywords at the moment. "What about them? Do you know something, Relm?"


heavenslament October 1 2010, 05:28:19 UTC
"Relm believes the man who killed Firion--" And here, she fights to keep her voice steady, but manages because the situation is too critical for her to fall apart. "--knows she has one, as well. And just now, a woman tried to get Relm to give the stone to her. Edgar, we can't wait. We need to do something, now."


starprism October 1 2010, 05:31:29 UTC
Relm put her sketchbook on the floor and reached into her headscarf, pulling the Taurus Stone out from between the folds of it and holding it out.

"I didn't know they were important or nothing. I just thought it was pretty."


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