[Thread; Closed]

Oct 01, 2010 00:07

Characters: Terra, Relm, Edgar...and then Jihl at some point. (Maybe Celes and Locke once the fight attracts attention?)
Progress: On-going
Summary: Terra and Relm seek out Edgar about Relm's stone, and Jihl confronts them. Essentially, doom.
Location: Figaro Castle, Edgar's office
Date: Sept. 30, 1804
Warnings: Violence

Not one to hesitate when it came to Relm's safety, Terra wasted no time in heading over to the king's office with her artist friend in tow. It was horrible enough that Firion had met his end thanks to one of those stones, and Terra would likely feel guilty about that until the end of time. However, Relm's news erased any danger of wallowing. The girl needed to be protected, and to that end Terra would do everything and anything possible.

Normally, Terra wasn't one to barge into his office. She tried to be respectful of the fact that Edgar had a kingdom to run and as such had many priorities higher than her company. This time was different, though. Whatever he was doing, it would just have to wait.

She barely knocked once before opening the door and heading inside. "Edgar? We need to talk to you...."

relm arrowny, jihl nabaat, terra branford, edgar figaro

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