Regenade Scientist (Hunt Log)

Sep 26, 2010 16:21

Characters: Dr. Cidolfus Demen Bunansa & YOU
Progress: In-progress
Summary: The hunt for the madman ends here.
Location: Fossil Roo
Date: September 26, 1804
Warnings: Violence, death, LUCAVI

He had nowhere else to run... )

lightning farron, cid raines, dr. cidolfus demen bunansa, yuffie kisaragi

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Comments 24

Oh. HI. animus_concisus September 26 2010, 20:45:40 UTC
Luckily, despite his lack of knowledge on Gaia's geography, enough asking around got him a location of where the scientist likely was. Leaving Rygdea in charge of the Gilgamesh for the time being, Cid made made his way to the Fossil Roo, leaving Lindblum in what he realized was the first time. He only hoped he could manage to navigate the maze, find Cidolfus, and--well.

He would figure out the rest when he got there.

Cid faintly heard the sound of someone yelling, and though he couldn't recognize it, it was a good enough start. Beginning to make his way through the corridors, he made sure to remain on his guard, not sure what this place had to offer.


championofwutai September 27 2010, 00:42:28 UTC
So Yuffie was in on this as well, right? Right. She hated that damn Doctor enough to go chase him through some caves to bring him to justice. And if that meant shoving her shuriken into his face, then so be it. She asked a few people where exactly this place was. The only answer she got was Fossil Roo, whatever that place was.

At the entrance to the caves, Yuffie listened, her body calm. Nothing yet... but that bastard must be trying to make his way out. Mindful of her ninja training back home, Yuffie remained quiet, beginning her trek within the caves.


nethi_cite September 27 2010, 02:07:28 UTC
The Gargant scurried along the ceilings of this cave as quickly as it could, unaware of the reluctant rider clinging to its back. Once it came towards a ledge nearby, Cidolfus took a leap of faith. He landed upon the ledge with a slight grunt, almost hissing in pain once he scraped his knee against a jagged rock.

"By the Gods...!" Still wincing in agony, the doctor's faithful Rooks convened around him in mock concern. Slowly rising to his feet, Cidolfus took a moment to dust himself off before continuing with his trek through Fossil Roo. Limping slightly as he walked, the doctor took out his Sky Phone to catch up on the latest news. His pleas of innocence in these alleged crimes were ignored, leaving the doctor to literally fend against the headhunters who've pursued him here. While he certainly knew that Nabaat would be more than willing to hide him within Narshe, the problem with that notion is him actually reaching the snowy town in one piece.

"Blast!" Dr. Cid cursed aloud, almost not mindful of the echo that carried his words ( ... )


animus_concisus September 27 2010, 02:15:43 UTC
The further voices echoed just enough that he was able to identify them. Good, good, so he was on the right track. Cid made his way as quietly as he could down the tunnels, not wanting the scientist to yet be aware of his presence.

It was while coming out of a junction that he nearly ran into something. Or someone, rather. Poised to attack, he stopped when he realized it wasn't his target.

"...Yuffie. Correct?" he spoke softly.


Famfrit, The Darkening Cloud scionofaquarius September 29 2010, 15:34:02 UTC
As the hellish glow came to an end, an embodiment of true wickedness now floated above these stalwart heroes. With an enormous gold jug attached to a mighty silver chain, the creature let out a deafening howl as it greeted its foes with laughter. "I, the Darkening Cloud, shall reap chaos and havoc within the land of men!" Without wasting a second, the mighty entity summoned forth its true power for these foolish mortals to behold. The waters within these caverns began to quiver at its call, rushing forth like a typhoon. If these heroes linger within the Fossil Roo for too long, they were bound to drown within a watery grave.

Several streams of water began to sway around the creature, instantly forming into chain-like tentacles to assist within this battle. Waiting for these mortals to strike, the evil Famfrit beckoned them to strike. "Come! Face me now, fools. Have your bravery vanished this quickly?" The Lucavi mocked them and their petty cause.


animus_concisus September 29 2010, 21:11:58 UTC
Out of all the things he could have expected, this? This was not one of them. While the Doctor may have had his own skills, he was still naught but a human. Something now was terribly wrong, and the person that stood before them now was something far different and far greater than Cidolfus. Ultimecia immediately crossed Cid's mind; it couldn't have been the sorceress, no, but the concept of possession was one that he could likely apply to this situation.

It didn't take him long to reach Fang and Lighting's position; if they wanted to stand a chance, they needed to work together.

"Famfrit, is it now?" Cid spoke as he began to charge a strong magic attack." Famfrit, Cidolfus, who you are concerns me not at this time."


fulminous October 2 2010, 04:56:10 UTC
Lightning drew her sword as the dust cleared and the beast rose before them. If she was scared, she didn't show it, her expression one of clear arrogance and annoyance.

"Yeah. We're gonna kill you no matter who you are." She stanced, taking a few steps back. With Raines, Yuffie and Fang all fighting, there was little need for her combat experience. If they needed her to jump in, she would -- but for now, the best strategy was for her to stand back and heal.


twistedjudge October 2 2010, 11:25:06 UTC
When the light had burst, Fang had yanked out her spear and rolled back. A lucky blow - one which would undo them all now. This reminded her entirely too much of Bahamut descending from on high to challenge her or kill her, or of Hope and Alexander - but they'd won those battles, they could win this one as well.

Only this time her movement was severely restricted - the ceiling of the cavern prevented her from jumping nearly as high as she could. "Aim for the head!" There was no treating with these things. And she jumped, all the way to the ceiling though not nearly high enough, to fall on the monster with as much speed and force as she could gather.


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