Regenade Scientist (Hunt Log)

Sep 26, 2010 16:21

Characters: Dr. Cidolfus Demen Bunansa & YOU
Progress: In-progress
Summary: The hunt for the madman ends here.
Location: Fossil Roo
Date: September 26, 1804
Warnings: Violence, death, LUCAVI

He had nowhere else to run... )

lightning farron, cid raines, dr. cidolfus demen bunansa, yuffie kisaragi

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nethi_cite September 27 2010, 02:07:28 UTC
The Gargant scurried along the ceilings of this cave as quickly as it could, unaware of the reluctant rider clinging to its back. Once it came towards a ledge nearby, Cidolfus took a leap of faith. He landed upon the ledge with a slight grunt, almost hissing in pain once he scraped his knee against a jagged rock.

"By the Gods...!" Still wincing in agony, the doctor's faithful Rooks convened around him in mock concern. Slowly rising to his feet, Cidolfus took a moment to dust himself off before continuing with his trek through Fossil Roo. Limping slightly as he walked, the doctor took out his Sky Phone to catch up on the latest news. His pleas of innocence in these alleged crimes were ignored, leaving the doctor to literally fend against the headhunters who've pursued him here. While he certainly knew that Nabaat would be more than willing to hide him within Narshe, the problem with that notion is him actually reaching the snowy town in one piece.

"Blast!" Dr. Cid cursed aloud, almost not mindful of the echo that carried his words. "I can't get a damn signal down here."


animus_concisus September 27 2010, 02:15:43 UTC
The further voices echoed just enough that he was able to identify them. Good, good, so he was on the right track. Cid made his way as quietly as he could down the tunnels, not wanting the scientist to yet be aware of his presence.

It was while coming out of a junction that he nearly ran into something. Or someone, rather. Poised to attack, he stopped when he realized it wasn't his target.

"...Yuffie. Correct?" he spoke softly.


championofwutai September 27 2010, 02:22:41 UTC
She will never say that she was paying so close attention to listening for the mad scientist that she didn't near someone come up. Never. You can't make her. When she heard her name, her shuriken came up.

But the voice that she heard wasn't that crazy guy, but someone from the network that she recognized. She nodded her head. "You're Cid? Good to meet you in person."

She was a tiny girl, so she had to crane her head up to look at him. "We should get going. I don't want that bastard to get away."


nethi_cite September 27 2010, 02:43:46 UTC
Still unaware of his pursuers, the lunatic doctor hurried along the darkened passageway after drowning a potion or two. Being a chemist is quite helpful at times like these, even if he was no match for a well-practiced swordsman. Hurrying along through these dark corridors, the doctor came to a sudden halt once he spotted another patch of flowers nearby.

Violently ripping the flowers of their stems, he waved the poises in the air in hopes of luring another Gargant. He desperately needed to reach the Outer Continent before anymore headhunters come looking for him. After a minute or two, a noisy Gargant appeared from the caves ahead. It let out a delighted chirp once it saw the flowers, and dash across the ceiling over him.

Offering the flowers to the beetle-like beast, Cidolfus prepared to ride his way to freedom. He clung to this beast's back like last time, and let it carry him across the water pools that flooded these caverns. Along the way, the Rooks picked up on the movements of others here within this desolate world. Aiming their rifles at the incoming vermin, Cidolfus merely hoped that his Rooks could delay the bounty hunters long enough to make his daring escape.

(ooc: your mission is to knock him off the Gargant as it scurries past. be mindful of the rooks, since they will be attacking you along the way.)


animus_concisus September 27 2010, 02:55:13 UTC
The Rooks told them enough; Cidolfus was close by. They'd have to make their way past them before getting to the doctor, however. Not willing to get too close yet to the Rooks, Cid focused on using his magic, sending spell after spell at them while making sure to still conserve his energy. The soldier stayed moving, knowing that they were nothing but distractions, ready to fling more magic as soon as he was close enough to Dr. Cid.


championofwutai September 27 2010, 03:12:27 UTC
She was totally not a fan of Rooks. Ever since the attack on Lindblum, and with the way Cloud used to react to them. Dodging bullets left and right, Yuffie gave herself enough space to launch her shuriken, and she aimed it at the grouping of Rooks. When she'd have a chance, she was totally going to try and aim for the doctor's head.


nethi_cite September 27 2010, 03:46:26 UTC
Even with Raines bombarding the Rooks with sorcery, these defiant little pests refused to let up. There was about eleven of them in all, each possessing firearms that seemed to have unlimited ammunition. However, once they started to get pummeled, these feisty little toys began to wield magic against magic. Casting protect upon themselves, the Rooks flew right towards Yuffie and Cid in hopes of killing them both.

Meanwhile, their master safely made it to a nearby ledge after leaping off the Gargant's back. Several feet above his attackers, Dr. Cid let out a fiendish laugh once he began to fickle with the Rooks' A.I. Taking out what seemed to be a remote of some kind, the doctor took manual command of the Rooks briefly.

"Dance, fools! Dance!" The Rooks were now launching Thundaga spells at them, while desperately trying to keep the two bounty hunters at bay.

"Here is where you both meet your end!"


twistedjudge September 27 2010, 07:23:28 UTC
Actually, here was where Cidolfus met his end.

With no warning but a sudden rush of breeze, a force barreled into the doctor from behind, sweeping his feet from under him in less than half a second. As he fell, Fang "helped" matters by grabbing his forehead and shoving down as hard as she could, accelerating his trip to the floor rapidly. It wouldn't kill him, but it would definitely give him a nasty crack and probably knock him out for several seconds. If she was lucky, there would be a concussion involved.

She hadn't forgotten about what Cidolfus had done to her family. To come to this new world, to find a place where there were people that accepted them - to spend days and weeks enjoying that freedom (and decent food) - only to have someone who wasn't even from their world buy into that propaganda and further perpetrate it. She wouldn't've even had a problem with him if he'd just shut the hell up, but now was too late for him to go regretting it.

Good thing her position on the Outer Continent had lead to her coming from the other direction, though - it had been far too easily to intercept him.

"Raines, get your head down!" The shout echoed through the corridors from her high vantage point as Fang snatched the remote, keeping her spear in one hand, and quickly began to study it to figure out how in the hell to turn those damn things off.


fulminous September 27 2010, 07:39:22 UTC
Lightning landed beside Fang on the ledge, stepping on the good doctor's chest as she moved to peer over the edge at the pair fighting the Rooks down below. She kept one foot on Cid, attempting to pin him down, and she threw out a hand, lobbing a ball of curative magic Cid and Yuffie's way -- a Curaga, meant to heal them both at the same time.

Tch. Too much trouble. Lightning sneered down at the prone form of the Doctor under her foot, putting one hand on her hip, and then looked to Fang, raising an eyebrow at the remote.

"There's no power button?"


nethi_cite September 27 2010, 08:10:36 UTC
Cidolfus literally had no idea what hit him.

Just a moment ago, he was enjoying making these little vermin dance for his amusement, and the next moment he was lying against the ground in terrible agony. Everything went blank for a moment, almost as if a void of some kind swallowed him whole. He was swept clean off his feet and dragged across the ground for several seconds. When he came to after fainting from the harsh impact, Cidolfus could feel blood gushing down the side of his head, along with the glass of his broken spectacles jutting against his cheek. The pain was unbearable, almost blinding.

“W-What…?” He gasped out as he tried to rise to his feet. Since he was without his glasses, Cidolfus didn’t notice his second assailant until after he was pushed back down to ground by someone’s boot. “You!?” The doctor stared up at the woman in pure dismay. “But how did you---“ They must have rushed into the Fossil Roo from the Outer Continent entrance.

“Dammit all!” Cidolfus let out a pained groan. He was caught, trapped like a rat no less.


championofwutai September 27 2010, 12:16:43 UTC
Thundaga, really? Cid was going to get her shuriken to his face so badly now. And she was going to keep smashing it in until he went unconscious. Normally, she wasn't this violent of a person, but you do not try to kill her!

She had been occupied with trying to get out of the way of the powerful thunder spells and attacking when she heard other voices. A brief glance up toward where the doctor had been, and she saw Lightning and Fang literally own the bastard. That brought a smile to her face, which only was taken off by nearly getting zapped.

"Start pressing buttons then!" She yelled.


animus_concisus September 27 2010, 16:38:35 UTC
Thundaga. Wonderful. He dodged the spells as best he could, though with the number of them being thrown at him and Yuffie, a spell or two hit. Thankfully, with his vision swimming, he felt himself restored with a Curaga spell.

Wait, Yuffie didn't use magic, so...

He looked up, seeing two very familiar l'Cie standing on top of a very familiar scientist in the near distance.

"A little late to the party, are we now?" he shouted up to them before going right back to attacking the Rooks. Spell after spell thrown at them, he hoped that Fang could find a way to turn them off before he exhausted too much. Before long, he'd put magic on the backburner and took out his sword, rushing to attack the Rooks with them. If they were going to use magic, it didn't matter where he stood.

Cid really would be scolding Fang and Lightning, however, for not letting him be the one to give the dear doctor the smackdown. He still wanted to get one good punch in for all the trouble he had given him.


twistedjudge September 27 2010, 18:40:09 UTC
"Keep a cork in it, all of you!" And no Cid, they were right on time. They'd been in the perfect position to ambush him after all; he'd never seen it coming. Ivalician tech was unfamiliar to Fang - Gran Pulse had very functional machinery, Cocoon had very sleek and elaborate stuff with lots of touch-screen buttons, but this was somewhere in the middle. A few moments of studying it, then- "There we go!"

Touching one button, then another, the mechanical whir of servos and gears started to spiral down into longer, slower whines as the machines ground to a halt, although it didn't happen instantaneously. Still, they were shut off, and once that was accomplished Fang dropped the remote and lifted her spear above her head. In a red flash, the weapon was brought down to cleave the device straight in half, its innards spilling out across the floor at her feet.

"Raines, get up here! You've got some sort of handcuffs or binding agent on you, right?"


nethi_cite September 27 2010, 19:35:00 UTC
Cuffs? These fools were really considering sending him to the gallows!

In a desperate attempt for freedom, Cidolfus managed to push the woman off him, and roll to the side. Lightning was distracted with Fang and the Rooks, leaving Cidolfus the opportunity to escape. As soon as the madman rose to his feet, he tossed out several round device at the women. They were smoke bombs, and just like their namesake a thick gray cloud of smoke engulfed them all as soon as the bombs hit the ground.

"So long! Farewell!" Dr. Cid laughed as he made a quick dance towards the entrance. If he could lose them in the smoke, then he was home free. There was no way he could take them on and he knew it, so this was his only chance.


animus_concisus September 28 2010, 20:33:19 UTC
Cid cursed under his breath. Not quick enough. As soon as he got the opportunity to move, he did, trying to locate where the doctor had gone.

"Come out, you coward!" he shouted, half-tempted to just throw a spell in every direction.


championofwutai September 28 2010, 23:46:17 UTC
"You've gotta be kidding me..." Yuffie kicked a Rook just for good measure. It felt good, and it calmed her down.

"Damn it! You son of a bitch! Get back here!" She yelled out after the crazy old fool. She tried listening, seeing if she could hear which way the mad doctor had gone.


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