On the way to a smile

Aug 15, 2010 16:15

Characters: Zack;eventually Aerith and...anyone who wants to join!
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Zack is going to Luca to meet Aerith and hopefully Cloud. Still clueless about what has happened, except the fact everyone is older than he remembers.
Location: Lindblum airship station » airship » Luca
Date: Sunday 15th August before any time loopies ( Read more... )

tifa lockhart, zack fair, aerith gainsborough, cloud strife

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Comments 40

lilyoftheslums August 15 2010, 16:11:51 UTC
Aerith closed the door to the flowershop for the night, giving the key a quick turn to lock it. She'd walk home slow and keep her eyes open for the two men she hadn't expected back so soon. Cloud should be coming to Luca soon; Zack said he would be on his way. The conflicting emotion inside her was a little frustrating. She was happy they were back. More so than anything. Their presence had been missed.

But at the same time, was it really worth it knowing she'd end up losing them all again once Garland was defeated?

With a sigh, she stopped and glanced up toward the still light sky.

"Gaia... none of this makes you happy, does it? If it's us who are hurting you, we're also trying to help you. We're hurting too. It will all be over soon. I just..." she paused, turning her head down over clasped hands. "I wish I knew why some of your voices were familiar. Keep them safe until they get here, please. We'll find a way to help you. I promise."


heartofheaven August 15 2010, 19:49:35 UTC
All that day, Tifa had been in the process of moving their things back into her own house. With both Cloud and Zack expected to return, there simply wasn't room for them all in one house. She was glad they lived close together; it was only a short walking distance from one place to the other.

As evening drew on, she still hadn't finished, and she saw Aerith walking back home. Tifa stood at the gate and waved to catch her friend's attention.



lilyoftheslums August 15 2010, 20:24:33 UTC
Aerith stopped, her eyes readjusting on Tifa with a short smile. "Hi Tifa! Do you need any helping moving things out?"

Aerith had to admit she was a little sad to see Tifa and the children leave. They'd been staying with her for over a month now-- at least they had all been staying together, in and out of each others houses. It made sense, though. With Cloud and Zack coming back, her home wasn't large enough for everyone.


squatleader August 15 2010, 20:38:05 UTC
Well now Zack was having another small problem - or big, depending on how you looked at it. He hadn't been counting on Luca being such a huge place and derp as he is, he hadn't really asked Aerith or Tifa for directions. After wandering around for a bit, gazing at the tall buildings he figures he should ask about a flower stall or something. After some prodding around he finally gets the directions only to find the place closed. Of course he wasn't sure if the owner was Aerith and his description of 'a really cute girl with a pink ribbon on her hair' was somewhat vague but somehow he knew it was hers.

Well, he won't be put down by this mere setback and starts walking around, hoping she lives nearby. He really hopes she does as he can't wait to see her again. Besides, Angeal had been right before - he was starting to get tired. But it was normal after so many months on the run and functioning on minimal food and sleep and being whisked away to another world was the cherry on the proverbial cake.


FOR EVERYONE? Since we kinda split off? <3 loveandstrife August 17 2010, 22:33:19 UTC
Cloud merely nodded to Zack, the tiniest smile appearing before he gave rather a childish tug to his best friend's arm, leading him towards Aerith's house. He knew she'd want to see him as soon as possible and he'd head home with Tifa to give them some privacy.

Heading in, knowing the majority of Tifa and the kids' stuff was still being moved back into their house, Cloud stepped around a few boxes.

"Aerith?" He tugged at Zack again, leading him through to the Cetra, his gaze instantly wandering away from Aerith to Tifa. He found it difficult not to behave like he'd only just fell in love and every chance he had to look at her, he took it.


yeah this was getting kinda confusing. Aerith mun is on hiatus now though squatleader August 18 2010, 09:50:34 UTC
He chuckles and willingly follows him, feeling a bit nervous with facing Aerith after four years (longer for her).

He pipes up a 'excuse me' before he enters the place, maneuvering around the boxes easily. Then he just stands by Cloud's side for a while muttering a 'hi' to both girls even if his eyes were locked on Aerith. Yes they're two awkward dorks now.


Slowatus~ which means I will be THE FAILEST TAGGER EVER. lilyoftheslums August 18 2010, 17:34:08 UTC
Aerith lifted at the sound of her name, a smile on her face as she turned her attention from Tifa. "Cloud, you're back! I wa-"

She stopped when she spied Zack, watching the almost embarrassed way he reacted to seeing them all again. It wasn't as if she could blame him-- her own excitement when she had found him again had been mixed with pain and joy. It was the same this time, but with a bit more experience and few more friends around to make the adjustment a little easier.

With a quick glance toward the other woman and to Cloud, almost as if asking for their help to make him comfortable. Aerith took a few steps closer, bending slightly at the waist and tilting her head to get a better look at Zack's face.

"That's it? Just 'hi'? After all this time...?" she flashed him a smile before straightening, her tone teasing.


heartofheaven August 18 2010, 18:16:10 UTC
Tifa gave Aerith a tiny nod as if to encourage her, before moving to stand next to Cloud. She didn't want to deny the couple their moment of reunion. In fact, she half-wondered whether she and Cloud shouldn't slip away.

"Hi," she replied, smiling at him.


New thread for Aerith! Cloud and Tifa can continue above if they want~ squatleader August 24 2010, 13:58:31 UTC
Zack waves at them with a small smile "You too!" And with that he and Aerith are left alone.

He sighs, wondering where he should start. Well, at least he knows where he'd like to start. He smiles at her softly. "I'm back. Sorry I kept you waiting so long." And he'll just wrap his arms around her, loosely enough that she can pull back if she wants.


sorry for being fail and sloow, College started D: lilyoftheslums August 25 2010, 17:04:43 UTC
The hug came softly, Aerith's own arms coming up around to pull herself into him. He felt real enough, just like she thought he would. Strong and gentle, completey different from the SOLDIERs she had envisioned when she was sixteen.

"No, it's okay. I know it was out of your control."

She knew more than he thought she did.


Boo college. And it's okay - I've been kinda scarce lately too~ squatleader August 26 2010, 19:36:25 UTC
Hugging Aerith again felt just like coming home. It might be the most cliche comparition ever but it truly did. He nods softly against her soft hair at her words, tightening his hold on her a bit. Despite appearances, Zack really knew how to put two and two together sometimes. And this was one of those times - he'd been given enough clues after all.

The fact that everyone was from his future and how they hadn't mentioned him in their timeline, how Cissnei had looked sad when she'd seen him...well everything pointed out that he didn't exist in the future. But for him it's alright that way. Nothing would change if he mulled on it. Besides, he knows that if he'd die, that it wouldn't be in vain.

So he just chooses not to comment on the issue and just enjoys the fact he's able to hold Aerith in his arms again.


Yeah :( I'm working two jobs now too. lilyoftheslums August 26 2010, 20:21:37 UTC
They hugged for a long while before Aerith pulled back, motioning for him to follow her into the living room so they could sit and talk. She took a seat on the couch, and waiting for him to join her.

"You didn't get lost looking for the house, did you?"


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