On the way to a smile

Aug 15, 2010 16:15

Characters: Zack;eventually Aerith and...anyone who wants to join!
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Zack is going to Luca to meet Aerith and hopefully Cloud. Still clueless about what has happened, except the fact everyone is older than he remembers.
Location: Lindblum airship station » airship » Luca
Date: Sunday 15th August before any time loopies ( Read more... )

tifa lockhart, zack fair, aerith gainsborough, cloud strife

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FOR EVERYONE? Since we kinda split off? <3 loveandstrife August 17 2010, 22:33:19 UTC
Cloud merely nodded to Zack, the tiniest smile appearing before he gave rather a childish tug to his best friend's arm, leading him towards Aerith's house. He knew she'd want to see him as soon as possible and he'd head home with Tifa to give them some privacy.

Heading in, knowing the majority of Tifa and the kids' stuff was still being moved back into their house, Cloud stepped around a few boxes.

"Aerith?" He tugged at Zack again, leading him through to the Cetra, his gaze instantly wandering away from Aerith to Tifa. He found it difficult not to behave like he'd only just fell in love and every chance he had to look at her, he took it.


yeah this was getting kinda confusing. Aerith mun is on hiatus now though squatleader August 18 2010, 09:50:34 UTC
He chuckles and willingly follows him, feeling a bit nervous with facing Aerith after four years (longer for her).

He pipes up a 'excuse me' before he enters the place, maneuvering around the boxes easily. Then he just stands by Cloud's side for a while muttering a 'hi' to both girls even if his eyes were locked on Aerith. Yes they're two awkward dorks now.


Slowatus~ which means I will be THE FAILEST TAGGER EVER. lilyoftheslums August 18 2010, 17:34:08 UTC
Aerith lifted at the sound of her name, a smile on her face as she turned her attention from Tifa. "Cloud, you're back! I wa-"

She stopped when she spied Zack, watching the almost embarrassed way he reacted to seeing them all again. It wasn't as if she could blame him-- her own excitement when she had found him again had been mixed with pain and joy. It was the same this time, but with a bit more experience and few more friends around to make the adjustment a little easier.

With a quick glance toward the other woman and to Cloud, almost as if asking for their help to make him comfortable. Aerith took a few steps closer, bending slightly at the waist and tilting her head to get a better look at Zack's face.

"That's it? Just 'hi'? After all this time...?" she flashed him a smile before straightening, her tone teasing.


heartofheaven August 18 2010, 18:16:10 UTC
Tifa gave Aerith a tiny nod as if to encourage her, before moving to stand next to Cloud. She didn't want to deny the couple their moment of reunion. In fact, she half-wondered whether she and Cloud shouldn't slip away.

"Hi," she replied, smiling at him.


loveandstrife August 20 2010, 20:43:07 UTC
Watching with the mildest smile, Cloud couldn't help his amusement at the way Aerith teased Zack. He was subject to the same treatment a lot of the time. Maybe it was just her way of showing them who was really boss in their little family. It certainly wasn't any of the men, that was for sure.

Nodding lightly, Cloud took Tifa's hand. "We'll leave you guys alone," he decided, tugging lightly at Tifa's hand. He knew that it was nice to just be alone when it was a moment this intimate.


heartofheaven August 20 2010, 21:39:05 UTC
Tifa squeezed his hand and followed him, glad that Cloud had had the same idea. She didn't mind where he wanted to take her, as long as it was somewhere private. Though that was quite difficult in this house.

She smiled as Rex came bounding up to them, tail wagging. "He remembers you, Cloud."


Hm I was hoping we'd establish some kind of reply order: Cloud, Zack, Aer and Tifa? squatleader August 20 2010, 22:52:43 UTC
He chuckles mildly at Aerith's teasing, scratching his head.

"Yeah, that was kinda lame, huh?" He runs his eyes over her, smiling "You're looking great..." Better than great, actually. He glances at Cloud when he suggests they leave them alone and part of him is grateful for the offer while another part - the protective streak he'd developped regarding the blonde - is just itching to refuse the offer. But at the same time he really wanted to talk to Aerith properly. Decisions decisions.
He smiles when he sees the dog.

"Heh, I see you girls have made a new friend..." He pets the dog's head, chuckling when he licks his hands. tail wagging. It looked like it was fond of having new visitors.


lilyoftheslums August 21 2010, 17:06:05 UTC
"That's Rex." Aerith explained, watching as Zack pet the dog.

She glanced in Cloud and Tifa's direction, giving them a nod and an appreciative smile. They looked happy, and she was glad for that. It was going to be a little lonely without everyone staying with her. There was even the chance that Zack wouldn't want to take up his room in her home again.

"Maybe we can all have dinner tonight and catch up?" she offered, deciding that would give everyone a chance to speak in private.


loveandstrife August 23 2010, 18:50:11 UTC
Cloud looked up at the green eyed girl as she offered dinner, though he was already half way out the door. "You guys have dinner together tonight. We can catch up tomorrow." He knew she wanted everyone to sit and talk about things, but Cloud wanted them to talk alone before they had a group meal. It would be easier for them if Zack and Aerith cleared any grievances before they came up at dinner.

Leading Tifa out, Rex bounding along behind, Cloud offered his best friends a faint smile. "You guys have fun." With a glance to Tifa, he nodded vaguely towards the door. "Let's mosey," and within seconds he'd led her out.


heartofheaven August 23 2010, 19:23:40 UTC
"Back to our house?" Tifa asked, following him out the door. It did feel good to be able to say that, despite the fact that she'd insistently tried to avoid regarding their stay in Luca as anything other than temporary. "Sorry it's in a bit of a state, Cloud... We haven't lived there properly since you left."


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