[Thread; Open]

Jun 08, 2009 02:42

Characters: Laguna, whoever is in the area~
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: He lost his way from Squall and Selphie as they were going off to play Knights in Shining Armor to save Rinoa~
Location: Treno
Date: February 3rd, 1803
Warnings: none at the moment~!

on our way to the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Treno )

arc, laguna loire

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Comments 12

saltparsley June 13 2009, 07:45:32 UTC
Suddenly appearing in a new world wasn't so bad (he'd told himself), and at least the moogles were friendly about it and had been accommodating enough. They'd humoured his questions and explained all sorts of things to him. The place, MoogleNET (though he'd seen signs that seemed to say something like "Midgar" before they'd been painted over), was strange, but not so strange that he couldn't believe it to just be some abandoned city from his own world. Even though the city was alien, the moogles were so familiar that he'd been able to ignore the idea that he was in a completely different world.

But then they'd strongly encouraged him to leave and had pointed him in the direction of the next town over and given him supplies enough to make it there. But it was dark and there were monsters - not that he couldn't deal with the monsters, but he'd discovered that his Job Class abilities weren't working quite as they should - and the knowledge that he really was all alone in a strange world was starting to sink in ( ... )


mangun June 13 2009, 20:15:01 UTC
The unexpected body that bumped directly into him took him by surprise. Laguna had been looking around at the buildings, eyes busy reading the signs in hopes of finding that damn inn. "Hey!" He took a step back, looking down. He found himself staring at the top of someone's head, a head full of thick, auburn hair.

Laguna then heard the sniffles, the quiet apology. He stepped back one more step and leaned down to peer into the stranger's face. "You as lost as me?" he asked, tilting his head. "..and you're crying. Hey, what happened?"

He tried to catch his eye, brows knit in concern.


saltparsley June 13 2009, 21:44:06 UTC
What happened? Life had finally calmed down and he'd been able to go back to being a simple village kid who read a lot of books and didn't go out looking for trouble and certainly didn't have destiny staring holes in his back and now he'd been suddenly plucked up and thrust into a new place where he knew nothing and nobody and apparently didn't even have the Crystals to rely on anymore, that was what happened.

But he just sniffled again, looking up at the concerned stranger as his hand fell to cover his mouth, fingers splayed over his nose and freckled cheek. Calm down, he was telling himself, somewhere underneath the rising panic. Calm down, you helped save the world once, you can handle this.

"S-sorry, I'm not..." Another sniffle, followed by a slow, ragged exhale as his gaze turned toward the ground. Looking people in the face was a bit too intimidating for him right now. "I'm not - from here..."


mangun June 21 2009, 01:40:49 UTC
{{ooc; :3 Laguna replied to the moogle; it should be your tag now}}


tidesnpcs June 19 2009, 18:25:10 UTC
Stilzkin walked through Treno, taking in the sights. It'd been a while since he'd spent time in the eternally dark city. Yet it seemed the natural stop for the night in his travels, and there was the matter of settling Lani's bar tab.

Just ahead stood a strangely dressed man, looking very dazed. "Kupo! Are you lost, kupo?"


mangun June 21 2009, 01:39:03 UTC
Laguna jolted out of his daze. He looked all around for the voice and found himself looking down towards the little moogle. He blinked, opened his mouth to reply, and then made a helpless gesture towards the smaller male who had bumped into him. "Sorry! I mean - I think I am. It seems like we're both a little out of place, huh?"

His last spoken question was directed towards Arc.

Laguna reached out and ruffled the kid's hair with a lopsided, but warm smile. "We'll be lost together, how's that sound?"


saltparsley June 21 2009, 05:52:07 UTC
When he realized the question had been addressed to him, he just nodded silently in reply. The strangely dressed moogle managed to distract him from his own thoughts just enough to calm him down to the point where a full-on panic attack was not quite an issue anymore. Why was it dressed like that? Was it setting out on an adventure? Why would a moogle be setting out on an adventure?

Then the stranger ruffled his hair and it was such a familiar action in such an unfamiliar place that he found it extremely comforting, despite the way he winced about it. It was something his brother Luneth had a tendency to do. His hand dropped from his mouth, fingers curling to his palm, and came to rest against his chest, covering the bottom of his yellow ascot. A faint smile revealed itself. "Alright."


tidesnpcs June 23 2009, 00:38:40 UTC
Two strangers lost. How unusual. They appeared to be more of the folk from the sky. "Kupo. Lost is a bad thing to be, kupo. Here." His little paw thrust into his traveling bag and withdrew a lapis lazuli, a peck of gysahl greens and a hi-potion. "Take these, kupo."

His head tilted up, way up, to look at the humans. "Are you here for the tournament, kupo?"


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