The light... it blisters... (Open)

Jul 23, 2010 22:51

Characters: Reno & Anyone in Lindblum that crosses his path
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Reno is getting rather irritated with the moogles...
Location: Lindblum
Date: July 23, 1804
Warnings: Reno's colorful, frustrated language. It's Reno.

That's the end... and that's the start of it... )

eiko carol, vincent valentine, reno

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Comments 14

chaos_vessel July 24 2010, 22:30:13 UTC
Lindblum had taken something of a beating recently- a large section of the Business District had been brought down by Lightning's errant blast, and many of the people in the city had been injured by it. Lindblum was not at its most impressive any longer. Vincent considered it fortunate that the shop/house he shared with Cid had not been destroyed, but he was not reveling in that good fortune. Instead, he had been assisting in removing as much of the wreckage as he could ( ... )


turks_reno July 25 2010, 18:53:11 UTC
Despite the enormity of the city, it was clear that -something- had happened to it. There was rubble everywhere, though some spots seemed to be far worse off than others. And many people around him were hard at work, nailing boards in place, hauling brick and stone around, and truly working to rebuild their city. Which begged the question - what had happened to this place ( ... )


chaos_vessel July 25 2010, 21:06:06 UTC
When the redhead approached to him, Vincent drew to a stop and acknowledged Reno with a tilt of his head. "Reno. What are you doing in Lindblum?" The uncomfortable gesture from the Turk made him suspicious of his motives, but he knew that no one from his world had caused the explosion only a few days ago, and that was the only reason he could think of for a Turk to be unsettled.

“Of course I’m here. I’ve lived here for several weeks.” He said. He hadn’t made it obvious that he was living in Lindblum, of course, but he had made several posts to the moogle’s network, that were obviously from this city.

“What do you want?” There was no point in being anything but blunt. He was no longer a Turk. He knew how to dance around a topic and eventually get to what he wanted to know, but he wanted to get back to repairing the city, and asking a direct question was faster. He and Reno didn’t exactly like each other, so there had to be some reason for the Turk approaching him. He had no idea what the motive was, but hopefully Reno would give ( ... )


turks_reno July 25 2010, 23:34:54 UTC
What did he want? He gave a faint snort at that. Then again, Vincent had no reason not to want to be done with him as quickly as possible. While they could no longer be considered enemies, it wasn't as though they were buddies or anything remotely similar ( ... )


lastsummoner July 25 2010, 13:28:33 UTC
Despite being grounded for the child smuggling stunt, the last days of Eiko's captivity were ended early with the explosions going on in the Business District. Well, Eiko ended it early, by demanding to help heal the injured and reviving people who were knocked out in the blasts.

On her way out of the castle and into the air cabs, a moogle fluttered by, talking about another Sky Person. The child was curious about whomever it might be, but was far too busy to get more details than that. Rather, she hopped the cab and in short order stood in the wrecked district, looking for more people to heal up. As for the repair efforts, she was more than prepared to give orders on how that should be managed.

She barged around some strangely dressed guy with red hair and barked out, "Don't just stand there, grab a hammer and do something."


turks_reno July 25 2010, 23:30:14 UTC
His chat with Vincent hadn't left him feeling much better about things, but at least he had some more information. He didn't feel -as- lost and hopeless, and he figured he ought to count his lucky stars for that much. He spared one more glace to where they'd parted ways, then mustered his determination - he needed to find Rude. His partner was always the calm one. Always the one he could rely on to keep his head, to smack some sense into him ( ... )


lastsummoner July 27 2010, 19:04:11 UTC
Eiko whipped around and tilted her head as she looked at the stranger. She'd seen those clothes before. Somewhere. Now where had it been? She circled him, intensely giving Reno the once over while trying to pinpoint why it looked familiar. Oh yeah! "Sure. There was some guy in sunglasses who dressed like that. He gave me a special summoning stone."


turks_reno July 31 2010, 02:54:55 UTC
He'd help as much as he could to rebuild this city if this bossy (yet adorable, he had to admit) little kid had some word on his friends. His family - or at least as close to family as Reno had. Blue eyes followed the girl as she circled, dark brows furrowing in worry. *Had* she seen anyone?

And then the response came. An answer he'd been waiting for - one that even Vincent wasn't able to give him. Yes. Rude was here. He didn't know any other Turk that could be identified by just saying 'in sunglasses'. It had to be Rude! Oh he could have kissed the kid! Instead, he simply knelt down in front of her, grinning at the news. "Thanks, kiddo! And... a special summoning stone?" What could -that- be? He had to admit, he was curious. Was it something from his own world? Or something new from this one?


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