[Thread, OPEN]

Apr 10, 2010 23:42

Characters: Rinoa, OPEN
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Galbadia Garden visits Figaro. This log is open to all Garden and Figaro folks! Feel free to start new subthreads, threadhop etc.
Location: Figaro
Date: April, 1804
Warnings: None

Hanging out in Figaro. )

irvine kinneas, rinoa heartilly, locke cole, cecil harvey, quistis trepe, mjrn

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Comments 72

Streets of Figaro ladiesmanirvine April 11 2010, 00:52:46 UTC
New location, he had no problem with it. Though the last time he was here, he was making sure Squall didn't die from repeated ice shards through the chest. Nasty little thing that was. Regardless he was walking around the streets of Figaro himself, seeing what he could do.

Of course, that Figaro had some very fine women. All of which he was looking at. When one passed by, Irvine halted and grinned leaning to the side for a better view. Whoever ran this town, had incredible taste in women.


livelyangel April 12 2010, 23:09:52 UTC
Irvine probably wanted to be left alone to explore Figaro and admire its inhabitants. Naturally, as soon as Rinoa spotted him, she immediately sneaked up and tapped him on the shoulder.



ladiesmanirvine April 12 2010, 23:46:54 UTC
First thing Irvine did was jump a little, then he saw Rin, then he began to stammer. "Rinoa, hey! Um...I was just um...observing the locale around here. You know scouting out, SeeD stuff." Last thing he needed was for her to know that he was looking at women...least parts of women.


livelyangel April 13 2010, 00:07:45 UTC
"Oh, you liar. I saw what - or rather, who you were looking at. How long have I known you, Irvine? I'm used to it." She laughed. "Have you used that scouting excuse on Squall? I've got a feeling it might work better on him."


dewdrop_pebbles April 11 2010, 01:23:26 UTC
Upon seeing the Garden arrive, Mjrn immediately headed for the large structure. She was eager to see certain friends again, if eager for little else these days. Perhaps in their presence, she could shove aside depressing thoughts for a little while.

However, she entered only to be told that Rinoa had departed already. Oops. So, Mjrn headed back out and decided to go back to wandering the streets, randomly ducking in to inspect the shops. With any luck, she would run into Rinoa or another familiar face.


sonoffigaro April 12 2010, 19:01:38 UTC
Having acquired a large bouquet from the woman who owned the one flower shop in the town (and a stern warning not to torment any of the young ladies around - she knew her king), Edgar was wandering the streets, distributing flowers left and right to the women of the town, and not just the pretty ones. The little girls and old grannies got them, too, and seeing their King do something like that reassured the natives that he was who he was. He was still having to be on guard in case that impostor returned.

Upon spotting the ears in the street before him, Edgar realized who this must be - the young... woman who'd answered his initial questions, and come to hunt the menace on his southeastern border. Taking three roses from the bouquet, he stepped in front of her, smiling widely, gracefully holding out the roses. Even the tall king was only right at eye level with this Viera.

"Mjrn, is it? I'm more than happy to meet you at last, my dear."


dewdrop_pebbles April 12 2010, 23:38:02 UTC
Mjrn paused abruptly, startled out of her thoughts by the sudden gift. She peered down at the roses as though not quite sure what to do with them. Still, she didn't want to be rude, and so took gently took the small cluster after a moment.

"Ah...thank you. These are beautiful. It is a pleasure to meet you at last, sir--Your Majesty." Humes had so many titles and forms of address, far different from the Wood. She did her best to learn them for politeness' sake, but sometimes it was difficult to tell when they mattered. "Are you still--" dismantling-- "researching the Sky Phones?"


livelyangel April 12 2010, 23:11:34 UTC
Rinoa was browsing a clothing store, inspecting the Figaro fashions. Looking up, she saw a familiar pair of ears on the other side of the shop and her eyes lit up.

She hurried over. "Hey! Look who it is!"


sandrubies April 11 2010, 01:43:04 UTC
Once the antlion had been defeated, Cecil had headed for Figaro. The town was nearby and would provide a means of shelter from the sweltering heat, some food and drink and possibly some entertainment. Mostly he only wished to explore the location itself, take in the sights even if the town itself reminded him of Kaipo.

His pack had been depleted of its supplies and only bore a few items and vials. He needed to restock. Figaro was the perfect place to do such.


dewdrop_pebbles April 11 2010, 02:18:14 UTC
While restocking on restoratives, Mjrn glanced over to spot a familiar face. During the hunt, she had not strayed from the goal at hand, but that hadn't given her a chance to talk with him otherwise. It was still strange to know more about him than he remembered sharing, but perhaps it was time to befriend him again.

She nodded politely. "Hello, Cecil. Are you to linger in Figaro, or shall you be departing soon?"


sandrubies April 14 2010, 04:39:09 UTC
"Ah, Mjrn! Greetings again." He smiled briefly, inclining his head. "I believe I shall find myself lingering for the moment. What of you?"


dewdrop_pebbles April 14 2010, 19:04:50 UTC
Mjrn paused, considering that. "The decision is more Penelo's than mine. Visiting Figaro is a welcome change of scenery, but if she wishes to go elsewhere, I would follow. Still, I believe we might linger for a day or two yet. Have you seen this castle of which everyone speaks? They say it can move...."


notathiefcole April 11 2010, 01:48:04 UTC
Locke noticed Galbadia coming through a window and promptly climbed out the window and down the wall. It had been a while since he had seen Rinoa and truth be told he didn't want to take the time to walk out the front door.

As he headed down the street, he saw the familiar blue clothing and shouted, "Rinoa!"


livelyangel April 12 2010, 23:13:03 UTC
Rinoa turned as someone called her name, and grinned. Just the person she'd been hoping to see. Beaming, she ran over and practically flung herself into Locke's arms.

"Locke! Hi!"


notathiefcole April 13 2010, 01:33:49 UTC
It was a good thing that Locke's thief reflexes engaged at Rydia's fling. He was excited that having seen Garden, she was finally able to visit Figaro.

"I'm glad you got a chance to come visit."


Freudian slip? livelyangel April 13 2010, 14:58:03 UTC
"Me too!" Rinoa stepped back to look at him properly. "So do you live here?"


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sonoffigaro April 12 2010, 18:34:35 UTC
A quick affirmative was Selphie's reply - Edgar still didn't know the girl all that well, but she was clearly another of those technological enthusiasts that were rare on his world. He hoped Selphie was on the north side of town like he'd asked.

Not long after the message, then, just at the border of the desert, there was a rumbling, then a shaking, and Figaro Castle slowly emerged from its tunnel under the desert, sand pouring off the stones. Shutters and blinds were thrown open and rolled up, and within only a couple of minutes there was a castle where there had been none.

The locals were fine with it. The visitors would just have to get used to it.

And then the main door opened and Edgar strolled out like appearing buildings were something that happened every day. Which they were.


livelyangel April 12 2010, 23:18:43 UTC
Rinoa was just as eager to see the castle as Selphie was - and how convenient that Selphie was already on first name terms with Figaro's king. Accompanying Selphie, she let out an appreciative gasp as the castle emerged out of the desert. Not even Garden could do something like that.

"Wow! That's Figaro Castle?"

And who was the handsome man coming out to meet them?


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