[Thread, OPEN]

Apr 10, 2010 23:42

Characters: Rinoa, OPEN
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Galbadia Garden visits Figaro. This log is open to all Garden and Figaro folks! Feel free to start new subthreads, threadhop etc.
Location: Figaro
Date: April, 1804
Warnings: None

Hanging out in Figaro. )

irvine kinneas, rinoa heartilly, locke cole, cecil harvey, quistis trepe, mjrn

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sandrubies April 11 2010, 01:43:04 UTC
Once the antlion had been defeated, Cecil had headed for Figaro. The town was nearby and would provide a means of shelter from the sweltering heat, some food and drink and possibly some entertainment. Mostly he only wished to explore the location itself, take in the sights even if the town itself reminded him of Kaipo.

His pack had been depleted of its supplies and only bore a few items and vials. He needed to restock. Figaro was the perfect place to do such.


dewdrop_pebbles April 11 2010, 02:18:14 UTC
While restocking on restoratives, Mjrn glanced over to spot a familiar face. During the hunt, she had not strayed from the goal at hand, but that hadn't given her a chance to talk with him otherwise. It was still strange to know more about him than he remembered sharing, but perhaps it was time to befriend him again.

She nodded politely. "Hello, Cecil. Are you to linger in Figaro, or shall you be departing soon?"


sandrubies April 14 2010, 04:39:09 UTC
"Ah, Mjrn! Greetings again." He smiled briefly, inclining his head. "I believe I shall find myself lingering for the moment. What of you?"


dewdrop_pebbles April 14 2010, 19:04:50 UTC
Mjrn paused, considering that. "The decision is more Penelo's than mine. Visiting Figaro is a welcome change of scenery, but if she wishes to go elsewhere, I would follow. Still, I believe we might linger for a day or two yet. Have you seen this castle of which everyone speaks? They say it can move...."


sandrubies April 14 2010, 23:30:25 UTC
"I have not, I'm afraid. I only stopped to restock on my restoratives and to explore the town itself." Cecil glanced about at the passing folk a moment before looking to her again.

It was still surprising to him, to see a tall woman... who was also a rabbit? Or at lease the ears suggested it.

"Perhaps you and Penelo would join me for a meal this eve at the inn?" he suggested. If what Mjrn had said was true then they were friends, even if he couldn't remember. But he wished to.


dewdrop_pebbles April 15 2010, 01:04:34 UTC
Mjrn was surprised at the offer, but not displeased. She was still slow to cast off the misery that shadowed her for the past couple of weeks, and so that combined with the hunt had blinded her to the opportunity. Now that she saw it, however, the young Viera was indeed interested in the chance to let him know her better.

"It would be my pleasure. I shall ask Penelo, but I doubt she would object to this idea. We enjoyed your company during the hunt."


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