
Mar 19, 2010 19:41

Characters: Raine, Laguna and Squall
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Raine insists on making sure Squall gets better.
Location: Galbadia Garden
Date: March 19th, 1804 (before the party and airship race)
Warnings: Awkward?

When Do We Grow To Know Each Other? )

squall leonhart, raine loire, laguna loire

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Comments 9

brewing_storm March 20 2010, 02:17:40 UTC
Hate? Hate whom? Someone he'd never met? Someone who died bringing him into the world? It's a little difficult to hate someone you'd killed just by existing. It's a little difficult to hate someone you didn't know, or even let alone wouldn't have even be able to remember.

This is... ridiculous. That was a lone fact that kept repeating itself. Over and over and over and over. A broken record, and yet, somehow, that was all the had Squall hanging for a moment. He himself... couldn't explain it. No. He could. He could explain all of this logically. He was in the infirmary because of an injury. Blood loss, more so. Bed rest, vitamin B 12, iron supplement to get him on his feet faster. Simple. Logical. Boring.

Half-drifting off somewhere, trying to make himself sleep to pass the time, the young man blinked, brows dipping when he focused on the source of the noise intruding on his solitude.

The only thought that could run through his mind: What now?

Possibly someone else to check on him. Fine. Let's get it over with, he mentally ( ... )


waitedinwinhill March 20 2010, 19:29:11 UTC
Taking that as an invitation, Raine entered the room, struggling not to overwhelm him with the intensity of just how worried she was. How much more awkward could the whole situation become, anyway? In some ways, it felt like meeting an adult child given away for adoption, or so she assumed. As it was, she still struggled with how to relate to Ellone now and what was acceptable, and she at least remembered their shared history.

Hovering near the bed, but not too close, she folded her hands in front of her, choosing to speak first, before tending. He really had no choice on that front, as she was determined to get him better, objections or not. "How are you feeling?"

At least, he hadn't thrown her out. Given the last time they'd spoken, it was less than ideal, and then he had vanished, she'd been concerned he might. And with no real reason to think he wouldn't recognize her, the little that he had before, she took it as a step in the right direction.


brewing_storm March 26 2010, 15:53:22 UTC
A woman and an unfamiliar man... Not that Squall knew either of them. Which was more than a little unnerving. There was still great deal to absorb. He wasn't without some power of observation; whoever these people were, the woman at least knew him...

To what extent he couldn't help but wonder.

Squall frowned at Raine and Laguna, studying their faces in turn, trying to match them to any he might have seen before. No. Nothing. The urge to ask them what they wanted cropped up a little strongly. More than was probably necessary. Now wasn't the time for it-- he could afford, at least, right now, to be a little polite...

Mouth still a hard set line, the SeeD moved his gaze back to Raine. "Fine," he stated. Not entirely far from the truth. Squall still ached, perhaps still a little on the bandaged side. Just how badly it remained, Squall didn't know.

Largely, he was just confused as to who these people were, when he really just... would have liked some space, to be left alone for the time being.


waitedinwinhill March 26 2010, 20:52:29 UTC
Even knowing it was rude, Raine couldn't stop herself from staring, at least a little. Not really staring, but more studying, just like she had a few weeks ago when he was still brand new to her. For that matter, Squall was brand new to her all over again. Armed with the realization this was a second chance for her, she had every intention of making the most of it.

She stepped closer and stated the reason she came. "I'm here to take care of you." No-nonsense, and not about to take no for an answer either. "I'll check your bandages first, change them if they need it, and then we'll see about the rest. You'll need to eat too, if you haven't already."

While she reached out with one hand to start checking over Squall's shoulder, she glanced at the nearby cabinet. "Laguna, open that up and see what's in there. I need to know what I've got to work with."


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