Title: effervescence
sekichu Character/Pairing: Eleven/Rose, TenII/Rose.
Rating: PG.
Summary: For a brief, horrible moment the Doctor never exists.
Disclaimer: I keep checking, but I still don't own Doctor Who.
Author's Notes: A continuation of my quasi-response drabbles to a (mostly) Rose-less series five, this is my response to S5E13 as promised.
part one ||
part two ||
part three ||
part four ||
part five Rose Tyler wakes up in her bed.
Not the giant, too-big bed of a Vitex heiress, but the small, somewhat cramped mattress of Powell Estates. Her ceiling is filled with glow in the dark stars and a small cluster in the corner dangles precariously close to disappearing (for a second, they weren't there, because stars did not exist, but she blinked and they were back again). It feels like home, the smell of her Mum's morning tea a room away.
She goes to work in an hour, back to folding clothes and dressing plastic mannequins. Her fingers stop abruptly over a Fernando Alonso polo and the last she suddenly develops an irrational fear of, so she begs Hannah to dress them for her in return for a cuppa when they go on break. Hannah has to grab her arm to keep her from walking into oncoming traffic (her heart stutters and picks up again) because she is too used to running without looking both ways and neither of them can figure out when this odd and dangerous quirk started.
"`s nothin'," she murmurs.
This is her home, her life in which absolutely nothing interesting ever happens, and every little thing about it feels less. Not a speck of wonder or hint of lightening, just each day the same grey fog and the same grey sky.
Sometimes she thinks she sees sunsets of indescribable colors. A pinstriped suit stops her on the street and a ridiculous looking fez in a shop window makes her smile. Rose doesn't know it yet and quite possibly never will, but she has seen this all before. She has seen every thing and every moment in every maybe world even if she does not remember.
The heart of Rose Tyler knows that she cannot truly live in a world without the Doctor.
Rose Tyler wakes up in her bed, ceiling bare and eyes dark, a bed not too-big for two people. He frowns when all he can get out of her is "I will never forget you."
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He says he is going to skip the rest of this. He says he hates repeats. He says everything he has always thought he believed, but when it comes, when the fraying ends of a long and twisted time line unravel, he cannot stop it. It hurts, but he needs this. He will take what scraps the universe is willing to give him.
Rose, young and fuzzy with colors and the edges of snowflakes - her cheeky smile follows him through time. The world spins and he sees Donna saving every star and every world in creation; "Oi, Spaceman! What part of relaxing don't you understand? I don't see a single beach in sight!" Martha sitting him down and forcing bitter words of love and loss from his lips. A not-Devil sneering down at him and the conviction of faith in a yellow-and-pink human girl.
The threads unravel faster and faster, a bit out of order as is proper for a Time Lord, until he stands on that cursed beach. ("Oh, not this beach again.") He waits for a distant sun burn up, for a brave Rose Tyler to break in half, so he can lean down and whisper the words he will never exist to say.
At least he saves her from this heartbreak.
There is freedom as he falls, because he knows he is falling into nothing and he will take with him everything he can. He falls instead into a web of memories and ends up dancing at a wedding. This happy ending is overdue, but Rory saves Amy and Amy saves the world, so they deserve it.
The Doctor is a horrible dancer. Amy teases him for it and Rory is sort of a bit pleased that there is something the Doctor can't do. In reality there are too many things he can't do (or so he tells himself, because everything is a choice and for him it does not comes down to can and cannot, but should and should not).
Dancing isn't one of them. He saves it for a beat punctured by German bombs and the soft love in Rose Tyler's face.