Plot bunnies! Send me plot bunnies!!

Nov 15, 2008 17:15

cross posted (to a point) from lj_nanowrimo

I've been floundering around for the past week, trying so very hard to come up with more of a plot than I'd already had tucked away in  my brain. Basic story: magic vs. technology; magic wins - yay! But I only had one really stirring event planned, and had ended up with a whole ton of character development tucked ( Read more... )

original fiction, pets, nanowrimo, writing

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Comments 2

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tikatu November 16 2008, 22:45:09 UTC
Yeah, fleas are the pits, especially for my white cat, Cotton. She is very allergic and usually needs cortisone shots. I'm going to wait and see if things start clearing up for her with this treatment before going back to the vet. The dog, at least, feels better.


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tikatu November 16 2008, 22:50:42 UTC
You're welcome about for the link; you can find all sorts of interesting things in the forums at NaNo!

I just started writing for the day about an hour or so ago; things are going well! I've got a name for my clumsy aviator (who is of Hindi descent) and he's already attracted to one of my ensemble characters - sometimes I wish these guys would let me handle their love lives! I really should go back and introduce the second telepath - he's a Mohawk and his grandfather is a spirit walker who will have a specific role in the BIG EVENT.

The story is getting so exciting, that I wish I could just dictate it into the computer or something! But my fingers just have to do the walking and the work.

Cool to see some of your plot in your last post. You'll have to tell me which of the generators you used and if it was of help!


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