Plot bunnies! Send me plot bunnies!!

Nov 15, 2008 17:15

cross posted (to a point) from lj_nanowrimo

I've been floundering around for the past week, trying so very hard to come up with more of a plot than I'd already had tucked away in  my brain. Basic story: magic vs. technology; magic wins - yay! But I only had one really stirring event planned, and had ended up with a whole ton of character development tucked into 30K - and no sign of the big event yet.

But last night I hit and powered up the plot twist  generator. Some of them made me laugh, some of them made me shake my head, and a few made me go, "Hm." One of the latter was "Suddenly, a clumsy aviator arrives, from nowhere." And in that little statement, I began to see the glimmerings of some more plot. As those glimmerings took hold, more plot started clamoring for attention.

So, now I have my plot, and it's falling into place. I even was channeling my healer character on the way home from today's write-in, in a scene from the BIG EVENT, where she actually gets to use her power to get some righteous smackdown. Need to start taking my digital recorder to bed, and to the bathroom as those are the places I get a lot of my inspiration.

My only problem is that the rather taciturn butler character, who I was going to make into a villain, is turning out to be more of a sympathetic hero type. Now I have to figure out a way for my two telepaths to be kidnapped which doesn't involve him... sigh.

More plot!! Yay!!

And in other news, Lacey went to the vet yesterday for the first time since puppyhood. She was relatively well-behaved, very inquisitive, but ended up with a muzzle since she growled at the vet. The vet suggested this flea medication called "Comfortis", which basically kills the fleas from the inside out, and keeps killing them and the eggs for a month. I also got flea meds for the cats, Capstar to kill what is on them now, and Advantage to continue killing them. I'll have to do some poking around to see how much Comfortis costs online.

original fiction, pets, nanowrimo, writing

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