Dancing with 35K!

Nov 16, 2008 20:52

Didn't really take much to make 35K, really, only around 1300 words. But I did it before dinner, and I think I can continue once I get some baked goods into the oven. Pumpkin bread this time.

I now know how my villain made his money. I also have an idea how my two telepaths are kidnapped, and by whom (but I just this very moment realized a possible problem with this... the House itself!) The aviator has arrived, fallen flat on his face, and is attracted to one of the telepaths. I have soooo much backstory still to do as I jumped from the priests talking to the second ghost showing up. But the plot is threading its way along, and amazing me with its continued growth.

One other thing I have to do is highlight the villain more. He's in the story, some of his background has been brought out, but he hasn't shown his face since chapter 2. I have to give him more motivation, show his workshop... lots of things to bring out. There is no way at all that this story will top out at 50K, but I can see it as a whole, now, I think. The worst part will be my ending - right now it doesn't look to be a terribly happy one, with some events and their aftermath being an ongoing problem. We'll see when I get there, I suppose.

But now, the pumpkin bread awaits. Be back later, if the muse allows.

original fiction, baking, nanowrimo

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