A lot of the post below...

Jan 10, 2008 11:57

I'm sure is due to a lack of sleep and a surplus of stress. Haven't slept well for the past two nights because of the neuropathy; last night was a triple whammy, actually: sugar levels, hormonal changes, and a weather front coming through. I was on my regular dose of anti-depressant (I usually only take half), as well as naproxen, and when it was ( Read more... )

life in general, housework, health

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Comments 1

grumpymagrat January 10 2008, 19:24:48 UTC
Sounds like life is throwing you a BIG whammy. Hope things will soon be on the upswing for you. And believe me I KNOW how sisters can be with their "help". (I am not the anal-rentive neat freak she is.) Take a deep breath and remember you can only do so much and just let the rest go.


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