A lot of the post below...

Jan 10, 2008 11:57

I'm sure is due to a lack of sleep and a surplus of stress. Haven't slept well for the past two nights because of the neuropathy; last night was a triple whammy, actually: sugar levels, hormonal changes, and a weather front coming through. I was on my regular dose of anti-depressant (I usually only take half), as well as naproxen, and when it was really looking bad, aspirin, too. Hubby even massaged my feet with Aspercreme. If I hadn't gotten to sleep at all, I would have gone and done something rash: taken another small dose of anti-seizure meds. That's how bad it was.

Now the actual front line has moved through, I think, and things are better. I am still stressed, and tired, and the hormones are still there, too, but my feet don't hurt as much. Yet, I can't stop cleaning. I'll eat something for lunch and run the dishwasher. I was going to clean my other oven rack, but it's not as important as the stuff my sister can actually SEE. It's not that she's a wench or anything; she just offers to "help" which of course makes me feel inadequate as a housekeeper.

Back later with an update and after lunch and some more work.

Played with Lacey after lunch, throwing her new rope toy for her to fetch, playing tug of war... thought she wasn't as spunky as normal. Took her outside, and when we came in, I found out why.

She'd barfed. All over the area rug, and a little on the floor. I guess all the running back and forth upset her tummy or something. I've cleaned up what I can, but I need some rug cleaner (unless I want to use the stuff for upholstery or car interiors), and I have to find the packages of sponge cloths I bought at the dollar store the other day. My kids move things around while "cleaning" and then I never see them again.

I did clean the oven rack after all. Trying to just wipe it off made the dishcloth filthy, so out came the steel wool. I'm through with them for the moment. Got a load of laundry in, too, and ran the dishwasher.

Oh great. Sounds like Lacey wants to barf again... at least this time she's in her crate. She won't barf in there and there's no carpet close by, Even if she does barf on her new dog bed, it's washable.

Now to see if Hubby can finish putting the new sink sprayer on. He was so frustrated last night because he didn't have a lot of room to work in and he couldn't see what he was doing. If he's still having trouble, I'm going to ask the neighbor. The neighbor is skinny, and I think has longer arms.

I'm not the only one stressed around here...

life in general, housework, health

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