comment_fic 256-260: Supernatural, Leverage, and Angel the Series/Leverage

Sep 18, 2010 11:34

Title: monster
Fandom: Supernatural
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Pairings: none
Point of view: third
Prompt: Henriksen, The Winchesters left a trail of bodies that was sickenly easy to follow.

Once he recognized the signs, their trail was very easy to follow. Just find the worst deaths, the most gruesome and the bloodiest, the twisted and the insane-that's the Winchester signature.

He knew that people were monsters, that some things defy explanation, but still... sometimes, he avoided sleep to avoid the nightmares, and sometimes he knew that his life was the nightmare and he'd never wake up from it.

He swore to catch them, to make them pay, for all those people who died screaming and begging and crying.

(In Hell, beneath Alistair's caress, Dean knew he finally became what Henriksen had hunted.)

Title: untitled
Fandom: Supernatural/Sleeping Beauty
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: crack and a rushed ending; spoilers for season 5
Pairings: implied Castiel/Dean
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 330
Point of view: third
Prompt: Dean/Castiel, Sleeping Beauty

"And I," proclaimed the self-called King of All Pranking Fairy, "shall gift this firstborn of the Winchester's Keep with a sense of humor."

"Dude," said the Technology Fairy, "that's nothing. I shall give him the mind to comprehend all technological advances for the next hundred years."

(Considering what comes next, asided the Fairy Who Is Actually God--shh, don't tell them that!--that is a good thing to be gifted with.)

"Hold up these precedings," commanded the Dark Fairy of Torture and Pain. "I think my invite got left in the rain, and that... oh, that is just annoying, don't you think?" He stalked across the recieving room, to smirk up at their lovely majesties John and Mary; Mary cuddled her newborn son close to her breast. "My gift to the bouncing brat: a hundred years he'll spend with me, learning my craft. I'll make him the best Dark Apprenctice this world's ever seen. How d'ya like the sound of that, pretty queen?"

The Dark Fairy cackled and vanished in smoke, and the Fairy Who Is Actually God stepped forward. "Don't worry, majesties," he told them quietly. "I still have to give the prince my gift. It will be twofold--you will have a second son, and Dean will love him above all. And Dean will be charismatic and beautiful, and a creature of light and power will be sent to save him from Alistair's grasp."

Their majesties shared a look. "I don't suppose," Queen Mary the Gracious asked carefully, "that you could just keep Alistair from ever getting him?"

The Fairy Who Is Actually God regretfully shook his head. "I'm sorry, but that's not how this story goes."

And so the christening ended and the fairies left; four years later, Prince Samuel was born and no one found it shocking that the King and Queen held a private ceremony, inviting only family.

But anyway. A couple decades passed and Alistair came calling and things happened. The end.

Title: dragon's fire
Fandom: Leverage
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: somewhat depressing
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 310
Point of view: third
Prompt: Team, Maggie's POV

This Nate isn't the one she fell in love, when they were young and invincible and going to live happily ever after. This Nate isn't the one who left after they fell apart, after Sammy and things going so very wrong. This Nate isn't the one that Jim would ramble about after a little too much whiskey.

This Nate is a criminal mastermind and no longer in love with her, and he's got a team that she works entirely too well with. Sophie is as smooth and silky as she used to wish she was, when she was younger and imagining taking the world by storm. Parker is so very broken, but so dangerous-maybe even more dangerous because of it. Whoever did that to the girl, she wants to make them hurt. Hardison can still get out of this web Nate's weaving and make something of himself, but he's caught up in the adrenaline, the rush, the crazy thrill of winning time after time after time. But all it takes is one instance of losing and everything falls apart, and he's just a boy, a baby. He's younger than she was, when she married Nate. Tara isn't as smooth or silky as Sophie, but she fits in a way Maggie doesn't anymore, so much more comfortable in the shadow-world of barely legal. And Eliot... he's as broken as Parker, as caught as Hardison, and a dozen times more dangerous than the rest of them combined. He's the one who won't survive when things go wrong because he'll die insuring that everyone else gets out.

There's nothing she can do. They're all adults, and this Nate isn't one she knows anymore. Maybe she should call Jim over and share the whiskey, because she isn't young and none of them are invincible, and this isn't going to end with happily ever after.

Title: Nate's pride
Fandom: Leverage
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: helps if you know something about cats
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 310
Point of view: third
Prompt: Eliot +Team, Client POV

Daddy used to keep cats. She remembers that much from when she was a little girl. He lost the sanctuary a long time ago and that's not why she's here now, but these people... they remind her so much of those days.

Mr. Ford is a lion, the one who keeps the territory and fights off interlopers. He does some work, it seems, but not the most. He plans, but he doesn't really hunt.

Call me Sophie, dear is a panther, sleek and quick, sharp and soft. She'll lurk in the shadows except when stepping into the sun would be better, and she'll draw all eyes, keep people distracted while the others lunge in with the killing bite.

Hardison and Parker, they're something small and fast. Maybe a serval and an ocelot. Not as dangerous, but just as invisible. And can still do so much damage... but those four, as dangerous as they are...

Eliot is something more. She saw it from the first moment Sophie sat her down with this team, Mr. Ford's pride. Daddy had one tiger, that he'd rescued from some idiot who didn't realize how big Siberians get. She's always liked tigers, and she used to watch him close every chance she got. Eliot's movements are as fluid as that tiger. He's attuned to everyone in the room like that tiger knew everything about his environment.

Eliot could kill everyone present just as easily as that tiger could've, just as fast. And that...

But she's come to these people for help. To save Maura and Colette's legacy. And as dangerous as they are... they'll be on her side.

A lion and a panther and a serval and an ocelot and a goddamned tiger.

She'll have to go to confession later, but Maura and Colette need her, and Mr. Ford's pride is their last hope.

Title: untitled
Fandom: Angel the Series/Leverage
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: none
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 35
Point of view: third
Prompt: Eliot and Lindsey(brothers), Lindsey's POV on the team

Well, they're not good enough for his baby brother (I'm only six minutes younger than you, so quit callin' me that!) but at least they're not as annoying as Angel and his crew of white hats.

fanfic: leverage, wordcount: drabble, title: m, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, tv fic, gen, crossover fic, title: n, title: untitled, fairy tale retelling, rated pg, fic, fanfic: angel the series, sleeping beauty, series: comment_fic, title: d, slash, het

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