SN canon drabbles: 2.3-2.6 - PG

Mar 28, 2008 08:00



lonely for something to touch

They’re dangerous, the Winchesters, both on the edge. Gordon tells them he has the hunt taken care of, knowing they’ll show up anyway because Dean is looking for something to kill and he hasn’t yet slipped over into killing people.
            Gordon’s glad for that when they save his life, and he invites them out for a drink. 
            Dean’s dangerous, a hunter like Gordon, but Sam is squeamish, constantly pulling in Dean’s instincts, chaining him. Dean loves the kid, though, so he can’t see it.
            Gordon needs to convince Dean to ditch his little brother, come with him. He can hone what John Winchester(scary bastard) started. Dean could become the greatest hunter in America, if he got rid of Sam’s stifling presence.
            It’ll be hard, but Gordon’s never shied away from a challenge.

you whom the funeral cannot kill

He knows it’s wrong, that he should have left her dead in the ground. But he’s loved her for so long, he couldn’t imagine a world without her.
            Neal brought Angela back from death, from the grave, and she’s so beautiful. He holds her like he never could before, when she was alive and he was just friend Neal, a brother. He holds her, kisses her, strokes her hair, makes love to her. It’s better than all those times he imagined it.
            But something still feels wrong. He’s played with the natural order, and nothing good will come of it.
            He chases those thoughts away and kisses Angela.

a sweet dream when the long trick’s over

Andy’s never applied himself in scholarly pursuits-never saw the need. He didn’t have any plans or dreams for the future; now’s always been enough.
            His ability-out of the blue, one day-is another toy, a way to get anything he wants. He doesn’t use it to hurt people, so there’s nothing wrong.
            The car following him is sweet, such a gorgeous ride. He wants to drive her so much-and the guy inside is a looker, too. Shame Andy doesn’t swing that way.
            He’ll just take the car for a minute, leave her somewhere obvious.
            No one’ll get hurt.


for Mom

They’re fighting again. Always fighting. They’re too much alike, I can tell. This time, it’s about a hunt young Joanna wants to go on, instead of a boy.
                My girl Ellen has always scared off any males coming around. She can be quite the terrifying woman. Joanna has never understood her mother, but I remember those days after her William died. She never even got to see his body, to say goodbye.
                I never forget. For me, all the past is yesterday.
                Joanna wants her own life, to honor her father’s memory. I can see, though, that she lacks the stomach for it. She thinks herself brave and strong, but I knew her as a child.
                Ellen has the right of it, but she’s going about it the wrong way. Commands have never worked on young Joanna.
                Oh, and here come those Winchester boys again. Lord, how I wish I could sigh.


gen, rated pg, wordcount: drabble, title: l, fic, title: a, title: w, series: supernatural canon drabbles, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, title: y, tv fic

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