SN canon drabbles: 1.21-2.2

Mar 21, 2008 09:05



Someday they will come to you

Azazel waits in the infant’s room. Sam-his special, favored boy-has made contact with the mother, will be here tonight. It will be the first interaction he’s had with Sam since that night twenty-three years ago, when beautiful, firebrand Mary died.
            A shame, her death, but unavoidable. 
            The boy will attack, as his father has trained him to do. He will fail, because the time has not yet come for him to succeed.
            Everything is going according to plan. Azazel is pleased.

the crucifix was constructed wrong

He hasn’t worn a human meatsuit in centuries. He, among the strongest, has no need, able to create a body of smoke and ash.
            But Azazel slips into John Winchester with ease, makes himself at home. He had almost forgotten the joy of having a mortal completely at his mercy.
            And this mortal in particular-such a pain. So determined to hunt down his wife’s killer-fool. Chasing shadows and whispers, training his children to follow. He’d have done better to forget what he saw that night. 
            Azazel flexes John’s muscles, then has the ropes bind him down. Those expertly trained boys are coming and John howls in a far corner of his mind.
            Grinning with John’s mouth, Azazel chortles. The fun will soon begin.

if I’d been different, or wise, or calm

John needs his boys, both of them, but they need each other more than they need him. It angers him, having to beg Mary’s killer, Dean’s torturer, for help, but Dean is dying and there’s no time.
Something is coming and everything hinges on Sam. But Sam needs Dean to stay strong. Dean will do anything that needs to be done, will ground Sam like John never could.
John is weak and tired, and his boy is too young, too good, to die yet.
He’ll have to tell Dean the truth before he goes, and he knows it’ll hurt his boy. But there is just no more time.

Yesterday is just a number

She hasn’t seen John in years, not since Bill died, and she never met his boys. She heard of them, of course; John used to talk about them non-stop, but he never brought them by.
Recently, tales have been told of them, Dean and Sam Winchester, as they hunt their way across the country.
And now here they are, come to her because of a message John saved for months. They’re tall and strong, Dean hurting and angry, Sam reeling.
She decides to not be gentle with them, not motherly, no matter how much they need it or she wants to, because Dean would never accept it, and, watching them, Sam will follow Dean.  

gen, title: i, title: t, title: s, rated pg, wordcount: drabble, fic, series: supernatural canon drabbles, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, title: y, tv fic

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