May 14, 2011 00:30
Late for everything.
Work, school, and even haikus.
I feel quite ashamed.
Maybe a schedule
Would prevent overwhelming.
That grammar was bad.
I'd wish for more time,
But knowing me I'd just find
More things to not do.
May 12, 2011 23:55
Training was awesome!
In spite of fighting last night.
Work seems to be fun.
Missing my kiddo.
She's sleeping at Nana's house.
I'll miss the boat ride.
Single mother blues.
Wish I didn't have to work
And could enjoy play.
May 11, 2011 20:28
Header needs some text.
I'll accept creative help.
Any suggestions?
Color scheme is good.
Maybe a different background.
What's purple AND green?
Sounds like a bad joke.
Like, a bruised asparagus.
Ahahaha... Ha?
May 11, 2011 20:11
Wednesday night is our
"American Idol" time.
Thanks for going out.
Oh. You would feel rude.
Because calling me wasn't.
Try that one again.
Haikus help me calm.
I certainly don't hate you.
But do you want me?
May 11, 2011 20:04
Very little sleep.
New job starts tomorrow.
Just a short nap first?
Roast beef, turkey, ham
All laid in front of me, but gone.
Hope for better things.
My mother once said
"Haikus have hidden meanings."
Mine are not that deep.
May 11, 2011 17:37
A new beginning
Requires sufficient changes
To end something else.
Entire color scheme,
Background and user pictures
Will be changing soon.
This really is fun,
But the taps are frustrating
As I count each word.