At 7 PM tonight, a group of people walked into
Whole World Improv perfect strangers.
In six months, Tuesday, October 9, 2012 to be exact, we will be an ensemble. We will give a show. And it will be amazing.
Why improv? This was one of the easiest ways I could identify getting back into the arts. I'm probably a strange candidate for improv - after all, I haven't actually to much of it before. But I'm quick on my feet, and the idea of engaging in something that, in addition to being fun, will also make me a better, more dynamic public speaker? Genius.
After some boring paperwork stuff (where I learned that I know have a line on free improv tickets, so I know what I'll be doing a lot of this summer!), we started out with a breathing and physical warm-up. We were instructed to clear our minds and have a clean slate in order to bring the best of ourselves to the games and the group. Once that was out of the way, we played games. These games are full of silly and nonsense, and their common denominator is that they require eye contact and clear communication. It is through these games we will start to learn to trust each other and what we can all do on stage together. Hopefully eventually making real and true moments of laughter out of everyday situations.
I'm really looking forward to the next six months of Monday nights :-)