I'm starting to know these characters so well, especially Edgar and Tani, that they almost write themselves. x)
Poor Eggbert, he was too dumb to live! It will be fun to see how long he lasts if he marries into the Magpies.
I see a lot of potential in Huberta. She'll probably be an exclusive character to this story, to set it apart from the Travecy. Plus, the Juniors' parentage is fully accounted for in that "reality."
I had a lot of fun playing the new and improved Magpies. :) Now to sort the pictures...
Guess what? Your updates have the power to usurp my mental fog. Either that, or you timed this just right. CUZ IMMA READ IT NAO! Hopefully my commentary will at least appear to be from this planet.
Sometimes I kind of marvel at the recap paragraph, because it makes me say "Oh, so that's what went on last time!" In Narrator's hands, it isn't always clear. X)
Legolas: You are an abomination onto the love in the world, and you have made babies with someone who doesn't even exist! Your evil influence led directly to my tormentuous death!
Edgar: But your right here talking nonsense, aren't U?
Legolas: I know who and what you are. EDGAR YOU WILL SUFFAR!
Than he walked gothically out of the house.
This made me absolutely blissful!
All the kids come home depressed from school. >:(I always did, too
( ... )
You're not the only one who's having trouble getting used to Turnip's face. x) I still cringe a bit at how ugly he is, and Narrator's had at least three nightmares about him.
Writing the dialogue between Legolas and the other characters is much too fun! He's such a perfect drama-king, full of persecution complex. But to be fair, though... He is being spied on.
I just had to show the poor Juniors that yes, there are worse faces out there. Generation 4 of this family will probably look around their level. But at some point I'm breeding in the Ottomas' so... :D
Indus + Huberta... just no. She was originally meant to be an exact female version of Edgar, but the pudgy face made her look too benevolent. I had to thin her face out and give her a frown, and suddenly she was Adolfa.
Uh-oh, Narrator's favorite has arrived in town!T'anamika? You didn't think Narrator could do this whole, ugly story without having her around to fawn over? Because that would be giving Narrator's inner strenght too much credit
( ... )
Yeah, that would be really nasty to be spied on. This game has actually made me more paranoid than I already was. What if I have a neighbor with a telescope?
Next time I have the game or BodyShop loaded, I need to see what Edgar looks like as a female. X)
Good thing Narrator has her favorite T'ana around to fortify her against the first few ugly generations...especially Tune-up.
You get to write on TS3 tombstones? That's soooo cool! Oh, the things I would have written on Zachariah's.
In TS3, you can make an inscription on a Sim's tombstone, and I think it pops up in a message when you have another Sim read it. I never actually tried, because TS3 Sims are very hard to kill accidentally, and I had aging and story-progression off, so no one ever bit it.
Oh you found noellle hilary denniss!! Maybew your gorgus gothic starbloms can save her from being a teribkle prep 4ever? its not her falut she was cursed by angry gost 4 wohoing on a fancy tom
( ... )
Hiii this is Narrator! I will reply to this because TigerAnne don't understand what Ur typoing, bcuz she's grammer-Hitler.
Legoless has been a pain in the ass and I think Elfmann from yoUr game is his Dad?!?! Butt he cannoT stop the Edgarcy! It was reely sad that Eggbert died so young but he was so stupid that if he had children they wouldn't have noun how to breeth NEway. :(
I cna't beleave Edgar invented the wheal? I meen hoe did he do that? He can't even science!!! I will go reed yor leglacy to sea what happened. It sounds so horrorble! :(
oh maybe i should less the typoes. even tho tigerane is 2 much the grammar people might not read my wondeful leagacy with amazing massages like "don't do violence video games bcuz their made by elfs to make human bad" and "dont woohoo in graveyards"
i think maybe elfeman was teh braisn off the outfit while edagar did all teh heavy lifting and stuff. elfeman is smart because he triced pandem into killing vorago 2 try and end the legcacy.
i didn't post NE new chapters yet tho bcux the town is stil under costruction. youll get to see it when the round robin come along tho. mayeb i could do a speshul preview?
i didn't want to put the round robin hiers in a boring nondescript town so I made them a suffering town.
It is actually only meant for the Round Robin. I plan on recreating Exchangeland again if I ever get the legacy back up and running again. I'm just still pretty demoralized after doing another rebuild and then almost immediately losing that progress and needing to do another. "Elftown" is meant to be an alternate universe where all the "bad guys" won that spawned because the Writers keep blinking out of existence. I say this assuming the Round Robin is still on. If not, I suppose I could feature it specially and show its inner workings
( ... )
You updates always mesmerise me so even though I might only intend to read the start of the update and continue it later because I'm busy/tired/whatever, I always end up reading the whole update and giggling all the way through it! I was super tired an hour ago already and thought about going to bed and then I take a look at your update and I'm still here. xD I'm still super tired but at least I'm highly amused! I don't think even my own sims give me this much entertainment.
Turnip is definitely my favourite! His face makes me laugh every single time. :D
I love how hideous Turnip is! It's going to be very interesting to see what his kids look like! Even if he marries Christy, who's good looking for a Maxis townie, his offspring will probably be highly deformed.
Comments 14
Epic dialogues, I lol'ed at every caption :)
Legless maded a snow, bwahaha!
TigerAnne is very strict like Garganey's mom :(((
"Dumbledore doesn't REAL!" I love Huberta ^^
Turnip is a real businessman now, woohoo! Really scary looking as an adult too!
Man, you were inspired XD Yeah, Ugandistan sucks too! Down with it!
"manly hetero naked-man party" XD
Aw, man from the government, long time no see <3
Eggbert, you idiot!! D: Well, rest in peace now lol
Edit.: Oh, there he is! *waves at Eggbert's grave in the distance*
Yay at upcoming updates and great job with this one <3<3<3
I'm starting to know these characters so well, especially Edgar and Tani, that they almost write themselves. x)
Poor Eggbert, he was too dumb to live! It will be fun to see how long he lasts if he marries into the Magpies.
I see a lot of potential in Huberta. She'll probably be an exclusive character to this story, to set it apart from the Travecy. Plus, the Juniors' parentage is fully accounted for in that "reality."
I had a lot of fun playing the new and improved Magpies. :) Now to sort the pictures...
Sometimes I kind of marvel at the recap paragraph, because it makes me say "Oh, so that's what went on last time!" In Narrator's hands, it isn't always clear. X)
This picture. My gosh. Look at that menagerie!
Legolas: You are an abomination onto the love in the world, and you have made babies with someone who doesn't even exist! Your evil influence led directly to my tormentuous death!
Edgar: But your right here talking nonsense, aren't U?
Legolas: I know who and what you are. EDGAR YOU WILL SUFFAR!
Than he walked gothically out of the house.
This made me absolutely blissful!
All the kids come home depressed from school. >:(I always did, too ( ... )
Writing the dialogue between Legolas and the other characters is much too fun! He's such a perfect drama-king, full of persecution complex. But to be fair, though... He is being spied on.
I just had to show the poor Juniors that yes, there are worse faces out there. Generation 4 of this family will probably look around their level. But at some point I'm breeding in the Ottomas' so... :D
Indus + Huberta... just no. She was originally meant to be an exact female version of Edgar, but the pudgy face made her look too benevolent. I had to thin her face out and give her a frown, and suddenly she was Adolfa.
Uh-oh, Narrator's favorite has arrived in town!T'anamika? You didn't think Narrator could do this whole, ugly story without having her around to fawn over? Because that would be giving Narrator's inner strenght too much credit ( ... )
Next time I have the game or BodyShop loaded, I need to see what Edgar looks like as a female. X)
Good thing Narrator has her favorite T'ana around to fortify her against the first few ugly generations...especially Tune-up.
You get to write on TS3 tombstones? That's soooo cool! Oh, the things I would have written on Zachariah's.
Uh-oh, is Lily terrorizing your neighborhood? XD
In TS3, you can make an inscription on a Sim's tombstone, and I think it pops up in a message when you have another Sim read it. I never actually tried, because TS3 Sims are very hard to kill accidentally, and I had aging and story-progression off, so no one ever bit it.
Legoless has been a pain in the ass and I think Elfmann from yoUr game is his Dad?!?! Butt he cannoT stop the Edgarcy! It was reely sad that Eggbert died so young but he was so stupid that if he had children they wouldn't have noun how to breeth NEway. :(
I cna't beleave Edgar invented the wheal? I meen hoe did he do that? He can't even science!!! I will go reed yor leglacy to sea what happened. It sounds so horrorble! :(
i think maybe elfeman was teh braisn off the outfit while edagar did all teh heavy lifting and stuff. elfeman is smart because he triced pandem into killing vorago 2 try and end the legcacy.
i didn't post NE new chapters yet tho bcux the town is stil under costruction. youll get to see it when the round robin come along tho. mayeb i could do a speshul preview?
i didn't want to put the round robin hiers in a boring nondescript town so I made them a suffering town.
Turnip is definitely my favourite! His face makes me laugh every single time. :D
I'm sorry I kept you up late. x)
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