Title: Funhouse
Pairing: evil!Sam/Dean
Rating: NC/17
Word count: 200
Summary: Sometimes Sam gives Dean a choice
A/N: Fifteenth drabble in the Acoustics 'verse. First drabble can be found here:
Acoustics Warnings: This is a very dark series. Sam has no redeeming characteristics. Dean's existence is one of pain and torture at Sam's hand.
Tonight the room's a funhouse and Sam strokes himself as he watches his brother creep through the mirror maze. There's no escape, Dean knows that, and his face is terrified as he passes mirror after mirror containing his worst non-Sam nightmares. Rats boil against the mirror Dean's edging by and he presses to the other side of the corridor, only to have a gust of sulfurous air hit his back. He spins in panic, but the hellhound is still confined behind the mirror, slavering and clawing at the glass. Usually by now Sam's released a creature to work Dean over, but tonight he's got other plans.
The floor drops from beneath Dean's feet and Sam's on him, in him, before he even hits the ground. Sam pulls Dean to his knees, wrenches his brother's head up as he slams into him. The room is surrounded by mirrors and, as the floor slowly rotates, Sam gives Dean a good look at all of them. Each mirror has a Sam and he's holding whips, chains, knives, blunt instruments, hot irons. In one, Sam pets a hellhound, both with burning gazes and heavy, dripping cocks.
Pick one or get them all, brother.