FIC: Watching [L&O SVU]

Mar 13, 2006 15:22

Title: Watching
Pairing: Elliot and Alex/Casey/Olivia/Warner
Genre: Fluffy PWP
Rating: Mature?
Word Count: 860
Summary: Elliot volunteers for a demonstration.



He knows they’re watching. Even with his back turned, he can feel their eyes on him. Replacing his hands as they opened the buttons on his shirt, peeling it from his shoulders, repeating the procedure with his t-shirt. Only this time, it was slower, more deliberate, cautious, casual and teasing all at the same time.

His lips curled into a smile imagining their faces. He’d seen them all before.

Melinda -

She would stare in professional bemusement. A lascivious detachment where there was no doubt as to what she was thinking. Hell, with Melinda, there was always the possibility of comment. She was the one who suggested Elliot perform the victim’s last moments, unclothed of course. But, Melinda always knew where the line was between fantasy and reality. She could look, she would look, but she’d never, ever touch.

Casey -

Casey would stare in confusion mixed with a subdued lust. As if unsure if she should be staring and wondering if everyone could see just what she was thinking. He could. Then again, with Casey, it was always easy to see what she was thinking.

His hands now moved towards his slacks. Unfastened the belt, the button, unzipped the zipper. Hours earlier, he’d thought about going commando. Now, he almost wished he had. Almost. Mainly because of the two OTHER women in the room.

Olivia -

Olivia, even with his back turned, he could see the expression on her face. Anger. Resentment. Jealousy. Anger because she wasn’t the center of attention for once. Resentment for what she wanted but could never quite have. Even though he was closer to her than he was to his own wife in all they ways that counted except one. And jealousy because, well, because she wasn’t the one stripping in front of a group of very attractive women.

Then came Alex. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed her until the day she walked back into their lives. And when she came back again, this time for good, a world of possibilities opened up for Elliot. There were things he could say now, things he could do now that he couldn’t, wouldn’t before. He imaged her face as he dropped trou.

Alex -

Alex, she would stare at him in that arrogant, icy gaze of hers. A gaze that was neither as icy nor blank as she’d intended. The irises would be too wide for the implied iciness. Her skin, although still fashionably pale, would have the slightest tinge of blush. Her arms would be folded across her chest in her favorite pose. Just a little bit tenser than normal, as if she were holding herself in as opposed to keeping the world at bay.

He wiped the grin from his face before turning to face the women in all of his almost naked glory.

“Ladies,” Melinda stated, low and throaty, practically purring the word. "Elliot, if you would begin."

He lumbered onto the large four poster bed, stretching himself spread-eagle style. They surrounded him, each stepping towards a corner, each holding a long strip of cloth in their hands. They tied him to the bed as they’d watched him; bemused, confused, repressed, angry. Olivia waiting until the others had finished before wrapping her cloth around his wrist, angrily snapping the knot tight.

“Okay,” Casey shifted nervously from foot to foot. “What now?”

“Someone needs to play the perp,” Melinda answered.

“Should we, like, draw straws or something?”

Olivia huffed. “I’m fine right where I am.”

“Oh for pete’s sake,” Alex snorted. She hiked up her skirt and straddled Elliot’s crotch. Whether intentional or accidental, he did not know. What he did know was there was definitely more behind the icy gaze. What he did know is, unlike himself, Alex had gone commando today. He could feel it in the damp heat now pressed down against him, to the point where he twitched beneath her.

Alex planted her hands on either side of his head, shifting her hips to where she slid against his length and Elliot was thankful for the thin barrier between them. “Okay, what now?”

“Now,” Melinda held out one final piece of cloth, a long silk scarf. “You wrap this around his eyes.”

“Wait,” Casey interrupted. “Shouldn’t we take turns before..”

“Before what?” Olivia rolled her eyes. “We kill him?”

“Oh I’m sorry,” Alex turned to face the women, lifting her body, hips pressing firmly down on Elliot, definitely intentional. “Was there supposed to be something left when I got done?”

Melinda snorted, “You are such an only child.”

“God,” Olivia groaned. “Can we just get this over with?”

“Wait," Casey cut in, licking her lips surreptitiously. "Was there any evidence that they each had sex with him with the blindfold on?”

“Don’t know,” Melinda flipped through her file. “Doesn’t say in the brief.”

“Well then,” Alex turned to face Elliot once again shifting her hips, teasingly sliding against him. Elliot clenched his jaw to keep from groaning. “With,” she stretched the scarf between her hands, “or without?”

“Without,” Elliot grinned, jutting his hips upwards catching the slight hitch in Alex's breath. “I like to watch.”


by trancer21, elliot fic

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