Title: Watching Pairing: Elliot and Alex/Casey/Olivia/Warner Genre: Fluffy PWP Rating: Mature? Word Count: 860 Summary: Elliot volunteers for a demonstration.
She would stare in professional bemusement. A lascivious detachment where there was no doubt as to what she was thinking. Hell, with Melinda, there was always the possibility of comment.
How do you keep coming up with stuff I love? I'm dangerously close to fangurling you now.
How do I come up with this? Easy! I have no life!! As for fangurling me, well, I'd just wind up fangurling you back and we'd just wind up cancelling each other out or, you know, collapsing the universe, one or the other, or something.
My icon sums up my reaction to this fic. Plus, it's kind of like an illustration for the story! If, you know, they were recreating the crime in a prison.
The insights for all four were wonderful:
Melinda - loved the reference to the way she is always using Elliot as a prop, so she can touch him! Casey - oh so confused and easy to read. Poor baby. Olivia - "Anger. Resentment. Jealousy." Perfect summation and explanation for each one. Alex - that description of her left me a little breathless.
Loved the idea that he'd thought about going commando, and that Alex actually had. And poor petulant Olivia, sulking while Alex and Elliot have all the fun, as Melinda observes and Casey tries to figure out what that strange feeling in the room is. (Never having generated sexual tension with anyone, it would obviously add to her confusion.)
It's just so great to see Alex and Elliot playing each other, with an audience, no less. They are both exhibitionists, in their own ways. I love it.
“Without,” Elliot grinned, jutting his hips
( ... )
Comments 12
She would stare in professional bemusement. A lascivious detachment where there was no doubt as to what she was thinking. Hell, with Melinda, there was always the possibility of comment.
How do you keep coming up with stuff I love? I'm dangerously close to fangurling you now.
Perfect. I'm guessing it was Casey who wanted to draw straws.
Mind if I flist you? My admiration for your oh-so-apt Elliot fics
knows no bounds.
I promise not be a pest, nor a Nosy Parker.
The insights for all four were wonderful:
Melinda - loved the reference to the way she is always using Elliot as a prop, so she can touch him!
Casey - oh so confused and easy to read. Poor baby.
Olivia - "Anger. Resentment. Jealousy." Perfect summation and explanation for each one.
Alex - that description of her left me a little breathless.
Loved the idea that he'd thought about going commando, and that Alex actually had. And poor petulant Olivia, sulking while Alex and Elliot have all the fun, as Melinda observes and Casey tries to figure out what that strange feeling in the room is. (Never having generated sexual tension with anyone, it would obviously add to her confusion.)
It's just so great to see Alex and Elliot playing each other, with an audience, no less. They are both exhibitionists, in their own ways. I love it.
“Without,” Elliot grinned, jutting his hips ( ... )
Hee, Dick Wolf should spin-off his franchise to HBO or Cinemax or something - Law & Order: NC-17!! We add the extra Chung! to the Chung!
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