Arthur/Gwen Thing-a-Thon 2010!

Jan 07, 2010 23:01


The Arthur/Gwen Thing-A-Thon 2010!

eta: 12th January 2010 - Sign-up are closed!

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Comments 18

misspopuri January 7 2010, 19:51:13 UTC
Name/LJ Name: misspopuri
Email address:
What you can give: fics or vids
Give up to rating: up to NC-17
What you'd like to receive;: doesn't matter; fic, vid, or art
Receive up to rating: up to NC-17

Prompt/Request 1: Springtime in Camelot, everybody's hearts are in a tizzy; Gwen goes to work as usual
Prompt/Request 2: Arthur and Merlin plan to surprise Gwen for her birthday; could be AU modern crack
Prompt/Request 3: Gwen is consoling the loss of her father only to be surprised with news of living relatives from abroad

You don't need to do all of them. They are merely suggestions of some things I would like to see written.

Do not want: no threesomes, weak! Gwen, whiny! Merlin
Any other general things the organiser should know?: no slash :P
Would you pinch-hit if needed?: sure


cuban_sombrero January 8 2010, 00:18:59 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Kahlia / cuban_sombrero
Email address:
What you can give: fic only, sorry D:
Give up to rating: anything but NC-17
What you'd like to receive;: fic or art
Receive up to rating: whatever the highest rating before NC-17 is (I'm Australian, these things confuse me)

Prompt/Request 1: News of Morgana reaches Camelot after she runs away, and Gwen comforts Arthur about it (it's up to you what the news is)
Prompt/Request 2: We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations. - Anais Nin
Prompt/Request 3: Arthur finds himself trapped somewhere in the castle, and it's up to Gwen to save the day. Bonus points for including Merlin somewhere in the story.

Do not want: as long as you stick to the ratings I asked for, I'm not that fussy, ( ... )


atomic89 January 8 2010, 12:19:17 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Danielle/atomic89
Email address:
What you can give: Icons, banners, possibly wallpapers or a fanmix
Give up to rating: I doubt I could make ant graphics higher than PG-13.
What you'd like to receive;: Fic
Receive up to rating: NC-17

Prompt/Request 1: Gwen, Merlin and Arthur have to work together to solve a mystery/free someone ala Merlin and Gwen's Camelot detective agency in 2.07. Bonus points for Arthur/Gwen UST and Merlin teasing Arthur and/or Gwen.
Prompt/Request 2: Morning after
Prompt/Request 3: Love letters

Do not want: OOC-ness, extreme fluff or angst (I like both but in moderation), non-con and that's about it.
Any other general things the organiser should know?: Nope.
Would you pinch-hit if needed?: Possibly


eatingthepeach January 8 2010, 21:39:20 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Amy / eatingthepeach
Email address:
What you can give: Fic, icons, banners, wallpapers
Give up to rating: R
What you'd like to receive;: Fic or a video
Receive up to rating: NC-17

Prompt/Request 1: Arthur decides to commit to Gwen (be it secretly behind Uther's back / telling Uther about Gwen / Uther dies and he can go public / whatever) basically a fic about how Arthur can't keep away from Gwen any longer :)
Prompt/Request 2: An AU fic, set in the modern day. Preferably with some OT4 action.
Prompt/Request 3: A future fic, Arthur/Gwen anniversary.

Do not want: Either one of them dying!
Any other general things the organiser should know?: Nope.
Would you pinch-hit if needed?: Yep.


kepp0xy January 9 2010, 01:05:21 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Kelly, kepp0xy
Email address:
What you can give: Fic only, I'm afraid
Give up to rating: R/NC-17
What you'd like to receive;: fic, icons, vid
Receive up to rating: PG-13

Prompt/Request 1: for icons, I would really love some based around this scene from 2.10.
Prompt/Request 2: Anything inspired by Clear the Area by Imogen Heap
Prompt/Request 3: For a reason of your choosing - cracky or plausible! - Gwen and Arthur have to spend a significant amount of time alone together, ala 2.02. What arises between them now that they're more aware of the situation between them? Conversations good and bad, and the more physical things as well, if you're inclined ;]

Do not want: simpering!Gwen, brutish!Arthur. Stupid Gwen or Arthur. Disregarding canon-established things.
Any other general things the organiser should know?: Not that I can think of
Would you pinch-hit if needed?: D: No time


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