Arthur/Gwen Thing-a-Thon 2010!

Jan 07, 2010 23:01


The Arthur/Gwen Thing-A-Thon 2010!

eta: 12th January 2010 - Sign-up are closed!

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cuban_sombrero January 8 2010, 00:18:59 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Kahlia / cuban_sombrero
Email address:
What you can give: fic only, sorry D:
Give up to rating: anything but NC-17
What you'd like to receive;: fic or art
Receive up to rating: whatever the highest rating before NC-17 is (I'm Australian, these things confuse me)

Prompt/Request 1: News of Morgana reaches Camelot after she runs away, and Gwen comforts Arthur about it (it's up to you what the news is)
Prompt/Request 2: We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations. - Anais Nin
Prompt/Request 3: Arthur finds himself trapped somewhere in the castle, and it's up to Gwen to save the day. Bonus points for including Merlin somewhere in the story.

Do not want: as long as you stick to the ratings I asked for, I'm not that fussy, really.
Any other general things the organiser should know?: nope :)
Would you pinch-hit if needed?: possibly - ask me closer to the date


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