Title: Unfinished Business
lolryneFandom/Genre: Supernatural; AU
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel/Jimmy, hints at pre-Dean/Lisa
Rating: R
Word Count: ~10 000
Notes: Huge thanks to
betahimetsukiko and
tawg for the betas. And to
lolryne for the art, which I still just can't get over for it's sheer cuteness. lol You definitely picked out a happy moment for them,
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Comments 24
also i might be a little teary and incoherent right now
always love the way you write jimmy, especially when he's angry and bitter to start but comes to a sort of resignation that just feels so right for whatever circumstances you've put him in. so good.
i kind of knew what was coming, thanks to the summary&c, but the slow build made the ending such a PUNCH, jesus--the fact that jimmy was helping cas let go by working with a reaper was a revelation, god, and then the sad tension throughout was gorgeously done (especially when cas brings dean back and for a split moment he can see cas but then, no, and i cried)
one thing i really enjoyed was how you made cas into a different kind of ghost, playing with the whole angels don't have souls thing so therefore if they can become ghosts, their rules would be somewhat different and ahhh i just want to roll around in this for a good long while
and it's so gentle and respectful towards everybody, which is such a treat - thank you for writing this!
This was amazing, and I think you did a brilliant job with it. I am glad I found it. Thank you for this bittersweet story.
Thanks for commenting, I'm glad you enjoyed.
He's no different to any other desperate ghost out here. Except now he knows what he needs to let go of.
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