Jun 28, 2011 07:47

PAIRINGS: Alex^2 (Gaskarth/Grieco); Matt Flyzik/Danny Kurily, Dan Nickleski/Evan Kirkendall, Rian Dawson/Cassadee Pope
WARNINGS: ... Werewolves? Sex? Violence?
SUMMARY: Werewolf AU! Or, "How Alex Gaskarth became a werewolf and nobody even died or anything."
TITLE CRED.: Saturday Skin - Sparks The Rescue
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I have a lot of people to thank for helping with the conception of this fic. First, always, to Loz for being the best friend ever and babying me along whenever I got stuck. You are the best friend forever and ever and I love you. Amanda - thank you for being werewolf fic's first fan and the president of its fan club. I couldn't have done it without you and your endless enthusiasm for my crazy ideas. And of course, Megan, my mind-twin, for all the nights we spent plotting and talking about this fic while I tried to figure out what all of the characters wanted out of it. And finally, to you, for reading this and giving my weird pairings a chance.

i: Stockholm Syndrome

Act I, scene i
Act I, scenes ii-v
Act I, scenes vi-ix
Act I, scenes x-xii
Act I, scenes xiii-xvi

ii: I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light

Act II, scenes i-ii
Act II, scene iii
Act II, scenes iv-viii
Act II, scenes ix-xii
Act II, scenes xiii-xiv
Act II, scenes xv-xvi

moon, roll me away
PAIRINGS: Matt Flyzik/Danny Kurily, implied Ian Planet/Alex Roy (Sparks the Rescue), Danny/someone, Ian/someone, Alex^2, Dan Nickleski/Evan Kirkendall, Rian Dawson/Cassadee Pope
WARNINGS: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Also, the usual... Werewolves? Sex? Violence?
SUMMARY: That awkward moment when vampires. Or, that one fic where Danny Kurily can't catch a break. 
TITLE CRED.: Moon, Roll Me Away - You Me and Everyone We Know

iii: Transylvanian Part I
Part II

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