you bite my neck like a bad habit - 1/1.

May 22, 2011 14:15

“Tobes, we need to talk,” Alex says slowly. His skin is even paler than usual and the dark circles under his eyes are very pronounced. It looks like he hasn’t slept in days, but Toby knows that’s not true since they fell asleep together last night. In a non-sexual way, though. They kind of haven’t gotten to that part of the relationship yet. As soon as the words leave his boyfriend’s mouth, his heart starts pounding in his chest. No. Talks are not a good thing. They are usually a very bad thing leading to, like, moving across the country or breaking up or… or… He takes in a deep breath to try and calm himself down. Alex loves him. They are not going to break up. One day they’re going to graduate from college and move into a house with a white picket fence and two dogs since he’s allergic to cats.

“Okay. Okay. Let’s talk.” If his voice doesn’t betray his fears, his shaking hands definitely will. They are standing in his kitchen on a Wednesday afternoon and Alex has just come back from his night class. Alex is holding onto both of his hands and looking more nervous than Toby has ever seen him in the three months they’ve known each other. His fingers are very, very cold, but they always are.

Alex leans down and kisses him lightly. “I don’t want to upset you, but there’s… something I need to tell you.” And if his hands are maybe colder than usual, it’s just Toby’s overactive imagination at work. Toby reads a lot. It’s kind of his thing since he’s an English major. Although he doesn’t exactly tell many people what his real favourite books are because his friends already make fun of him so hard for it. Which, thankfully, Alex has never once said anything about the New Moon poster hanging in his room. He’s totally Team Edward, just for the record, and he has the t-shirt to prove it. And the keychain. Robert Pattinson is kind of hot, okay.

“What is it?”

Toby is really concerned because Alex’s eyes are kind of red-tinged like he’s been crying. “Um. Okay. I really, really don’t want to freak you out, but it’s just that I… I…” Alex sighs, pursing his lips like he does when he’s stressed out. “I’m kind of… I’m not who you think I am.” Then he smiles sadly, showing all of his teeth and - his teeth. It’s like, one minute they are normal teeth, the smile Toby is used to seeing that makes him feel all fluttery inside, and then… There’s a soft little shick! sound and Alex. Has. Fangs. He has gleaming white fangs and that is not normal and Toby completely forgets to breathe because his brain can’t even process this information.

“I… I… I… You,” he stutters, backing up slowly until he bumps into the counter, which makes him jump because he was not expecting that. He was not expecting any of this and he can’t think and he can’t breathe and just… fangs. “How, I… I…” He can’t stop staring - he doesn’t mean to be rude, it’s completely unintentional - but the thing is that he is not even sure how he’s supposed to react to this because the conclusion he’s jumping to is not one that is firmly grounded in the realms of reality. Because… vampires. Vampires are not real, they are not a thing that exists. Vampires are things that try to tear people’s throats out and drink their blood, and Alex doesn’t do any of that stuff. Alex is, like, the best and sweetest boyfriend ever. Maybe he’s a little overprotective sometimes, but that’s just… him.

“You can say it,” Alex says softly, running his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. “Please don’t make me say it, I just… I tried so hard to protect you and it’s. I can’t. I need you to say it.”

Toby swallows hard. He can’t. “I know what you are,” he whispers. But the words still won’t come out even though everything is clicking into place in his mind. Alex’s hands are always cold and he seems to never need to eat or sleep. Sometimes his eyes seem so flat and lifeless and almost… grey; other times they can be such a vibrant blue that they almost hurt to look at. He feels a little sick when he thinks about where they met. The blood bank. It has to be a joke. Right? It has to be. Because the guy who held his hand when he almost passed out donating blood and kept him company while he ate cookies and juice cannot be... He just can’t. This can’t be the same guy that spends half an hour waiting at the Chinese place to make sure their order contains absolutely no nuts so he doesn’t have an allergic reaction.

Vampires are… cold. They’re inhuman. And Alex is the exact opposite of all of those things. “Say it out loud. Please, don’t make me…” Toby can hear the pain in Alex’s voice and it actually hurts.

For what feels like a very long time, Toby stands there staring at him. He doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know how to feel, he doesn’t know anything. Alex has fangs. They’re white like the rest of his teeth and they look sharp and there are about a million thoughts and fears and suspicions racing through Toby’s mind. After a minute, he says it very quietly. “You’re a vampire.” Alex nods. His boyfriend is a vampire.

“Are you afraid?”

Toby shakes his head. “No.” He isn’t, not really. He is a lot of other things that don’t even make sense, but he’s definitely not afraid. It’s probably incredibly rude of him to stare, it’s… just. A lot. Instead of backing away like he probably should, he reaches out for Alex’s hand instinctively. Suddenly the apartment feels too small; it feels suffocating and tiny and claustrophobic because this? This is one of those things that kind of throws the entire world off its axis. “Are you going to bite me?”

The question comes out so, so scary-calm and the answer comes back in a way he doesn’t expect. “I love you. I would never… I don’t, I don’t… people,” Alex tells him. He looks at Alex’s hands with the nails bitten down to the quick and wonders how fast they grow back. What does that even mean, though? “I could never hurt you. No.” And the thing is, Toby believes it. He doesn’t know what to do, but he believes it.

“Okay,” he says. Alex loves him. How is he supposed to react to that?

“Are you going to break up with me because I’m a vampire?”

It takes three steps for Toby to close the gap between them. He stands on his toes and presses his lips to Alex’s hard. “There’s your answer.” Kissing might be a reckless move at this point given that he doesn’t know what’s going to happen, but he kind of… Before he can stop himself, the words fall out of his mouth. “I love you too, you know.”

Alex hugs him tightly and then tells him, “I don’t sparkle.”

Okay, so that’s maybe a tiny bit disappointing because - seriously - how legit would that be? As it stands, though, Toby is finding the whole situation ridiculously hot and he’s not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. He’s never told anyone before but he kind of maybe has a thing for biting, so this is… It has the potential to be the greatest wank material for the rest of his life. For all of eternity. So he asks, “Can we cuddle while we discuss this more?” and leads Alex over to the couch because, hey, Toby McAllister is nothing short of a sneaky bastard when he wants to be.

Let’s face it, everyone knows that cuddling is the ultimate gateway to making out. After a few minutes of serious conversation about this revelation - vampires, seriously, best thing ever although possibly in more of an Interview With The Vampire way than a Twilight kind of way since, um, Edward pretty much refuses point-blank to fuck Bella since he’s afraid of eating her or something - Toby starts moving incrementally closer to Alex. They’ve covered the basic stuff like diet - blood bank, which. Yeah. Of course - and sleep habits, which apparently don’t exist in Alex’s world, and so it’s kind of at the point where talking about this is actually boring. He’s less interested in the why and how of vampirism and more interested in his boyfriend’s arms around his waist and the fact that Alex. Has. Fucking. Fangs.

That’s why he interrupts Alex midsentence with a kiss and murmurs, “So I think I’m not Team Edward anymore,” which is probably - definitely - the worst thing he’s ever said. Ever. It is just not a good innuendo that will lead to making out, yet somehow, strangely, it works. Alex shifts on the couch so that Toby can sort of fit in between his legs and then they’re kissing slowly with Alex’s hands trailing up underneath his shirt, pushing it up until it bunches around his armpits and he needs to pull away to take it off. He doesn’t even mind that Alex’s hands are cold because, somehow, that just makes it even better. The buttons on Alex’s shirt are a bit fumbly and hard to undo when he’s distracted; Alex’s tongue is in his mouth and it’s. This is all so hot that he can barely even think.

Something awesome about having a boyfriend who’s a vampire is that Alex doesn’t actually need to, you know, breathe. Which is something Toby plans to thoroughly investigate after enough making out. After a few more minutes of kissing and touching and grinding against each other - can’t even pretend he’s not turned on by this when the evidence is pressed against Alex’s thigh - Alex breaks the kiss and instead moves onto his neck. His neck is, like, the weak spot for him so he just turns his head and lets Alex kiss, suck, bite… When Alex’s teeth sink into the skin he moans and presses his hips down even harder and he’s more than a little confused when Alex goes, “Shit,” and pulls away.


“Shit, shit, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to, I swear, fuck, I’m so sorry, fuck,” Alex murmurs. He strokes his fingers over Toby’s neck, looking so fucking apologetic and so fucking guilty it’s almost heartbreaking.

“No, hey, hey,” Toby says, bracing himself with his toes on the end of the couch so he can reach Alex’s lips since he’s pulled away. “Hey, hey, don’t apologize. I, um… I liked it.” And with that admission he can feel all of the blood in his body rush to his face because he’s never told anyone that before. It’s always been his dirty little secret, emphasis on dirty. But Alex is staring at him with these huge pupils looking slightly horrified and he doesn’t know what to do.

Then his gaze drops down to Alex’s mouth. Oh. Alex licks his lips guiltily and whispers, “I bit you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, fuck, fuck, fuck.” And then when he pulls his hand away from Toby’s neck to stare at his fingers, they’re tinged dark red. Toby can feel it dripping down his neck, too, but he’s not afraid or anything. It’s not a lot of blood, really; it’s just a few drops but it means a lot more than that. Alex must have barely broken the skin because it doesn’t even hurt. So, really, it’s nothing worth getting upset over, especially when it felt that good as it happened.

“Do it again,” he says breathlessly.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” It’s kind of a moot point, though - Toby can see the way Alex is looking at him and they obviously both want it to happen, so what’s the problem? “Promise you’ll stop me if I’m hurting you.” The thing is, maybe he wants that. Maybe he wants to feel it, but he knows that he’s not going to get what he wants unless he agrees because Alex will never do this if he thinks it’s going to hurt him. Fucking overprotective vampire boyfriend.

So despite the fact that he has every intention to the contrary, he nods and lies still. At first Alex is really gentle, won’t do anything more than suck on his neck and lick at what’s already there and drying on his skin. It’s nice, but not really what he wants so he runs his hands over Alex’s bare chest, teases his nipples in the hopes that he’ll get distracted and get a little careless. “Just do it,” he pleads. “Please, please, please…” It’s really not fair, anyway, because he is so horny and he needs this and he doesn’t even care how desperate he sounds.

Then comes the little shick! sound again and he really has to bite his tongue when Alex’s teeth sink into the skin this time because it hurts so good. It hurts and it feels good when Alex keeps biting and sucking and making these really obscene pleasure-y noises that literally go straight to his dick. There will probably be bruises later, fucking bruises to keep as a reminder. He’s starting to feel a little light-headed from it all; Alex’s teeth in his neck and the friction from too many layers of clothing and, like, this has to be a wet dream. Things like this don’t really happen. There’s another shick!, although this time it’s more painful, and Alex pulls off of his neck slowly.

“No, no, no, why’d you stop,” Toby protests, dragging his fingernails over Alex’s chest.

Alex’s lips are red and it’s not just from kissing. He licks them quickly and says, “I was afraid you’d pass out or something. Besides, I’m sure I can find another part of your body to suck…” That’s a hard promise to resist, no matter how good the biting feels, because Alex makes quick work of his jeans and then the next few minutes are a blur of kissing and touching and groping and suddenly, suddenly, Alex fucking Roy is on his knees in front of the couch with his head between Toby’s thighs.

So, just to recap things that are awesome about having sex with a boyfriend who’s a vampire: no breathing required, and also, kind of more importantly, no gag reflex. And normally teeth would be a complete no-no during a blowjob, but given the circumstances it makes the whole thing so. Much. Hotter. This? Is better than the very best wet dream, because in those Alex is never on his knees with his lips around Toby’s cock and his hair falling in front of his eyes. In those, he doesn’t have fucking vampire fangs - well, okay, in complete honesty sometimes he does - and he definitely never deepthroats in them. “Fucking hell,” Toby whimpers, tugging a little harder on his hair than intended.

He’s starting to feel really lightheaded since everything around him is Alex; it’s the dull throbbing in his neck and the hands pushing his hips back down every time he forgets and tries to fuck Alex’s mouth because he can’t think, and then the world kind of… ends in a rush of heat and all-over tingling.

And he’s pretty sure that he actually whited out for a minute because the next time he opens his eyes Alex is making this huge fuss over him so he sighs and goes, “What.” Then he remembers the part about having sex with his super-hot boyfriend who’s a vampire and reaches for Alex, eager to repay the favour with his hands or possibly his mouth. Alex kisses his neck just above the spot where he knows the bite mark is gonna be.

But of course, before he can even get his hands in Alex’s pants, the buzzer goes off. And it doesn’t just go off once, it goes off several times in succession, meaning that whoever wants to come up really wants to come upstairs right now. Alex groans and tells him, “You should probably get that.” Which he should, but at the same time he really doesn’t want to. Do people not understand the fact that he is getting laid? At this very moment? It’s kind of inconsiderate, really. Once he’s got his jeans on - underwear be damned - Alex pulls him back in for another kiss and then gives him a meaningful look, like, go get the door.

Toby jabs the button on the intercom angrily and growls, “Who are you and what do you want?” into it.

“Fuck you, it’s Mikey Love and you have my keys,” the voice crackles through the speaker. “Let me up, asshole, I know you weren’t sleeping.” It’s not like he can say no since the dick is dating his sister. So, he pushes the other button on the console and waits and thirty seconds Mikey is sauntering into the apartment like he owns the fucking place. And then. Then he looks Toby up and down, shakes his head, and goes, “Dude, you look like you’ve been macking on a fucking vampire. That’s sick.”

Toby hears the soft little shick! noise before he feels Alex’s arms around his waist and mouth against his neck. “Nope,” Alex says softly. “Just me.” Then Toby can feel him grinning against his skin and he has to fight back the laughter threatening to come out. If he only knew…
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