Sep 04, 2008 06:53
Unlike Alanna's usual letters, this one was not written on crisp parchment in careful handwriting. This one could barely pass for a letter, more of a note really. It was a bit crumpled as well, as if the person writing had dug her nails into the side to hold on to something, and the letters were dark and bounced over the page, as if the person writing was gripping the quill too hard and had a hand that was shacking a bit too much. It was also covered in ink blots and random scratch outs. She also forgot to sign it.
Charlie and I are all right. Jon is King. Faithful - Here, the wobbling got worse. - saved my life. Thom and Roger are dead, as are others. I don't want to bury my twin and my cat.
[ooc: And this concludes the IC portion of our evening, letters have the usual disclaimer with them.]
the end of the beginning,
rocks fall,